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Winter Pov.

Qibli chuckled nervously. "He..hey. Calm down Winter." He scratched his head. Winter paced around the room.


How could this happen? He was Prince Winter, Son of Duchess Tundra, Nephew of Councilor Glacier. He had a reputation to uphold.

Qibli, that little brat of a wingless just sighed at the ceiling.

"Yeah, you are just overreacting, Winter."

After the night elf escaped, the small banter between Winter and Qibli had became a big scruffy fight, powers flying between them. Winter was actually surprised to find that Qibli was good at fighting.

Or he could just be bad at fighting.

Nope! Not a chance. He was trained as a soilder in the Ice Army. Qibli was just another scruffy street thief.

Anyway, they had been separated by one of the teachers, that siren.

Now they were waiting foe the punishment delivered to them from the Principal.

"You can relax, Winter. I personally know the Principal. You don't have to worry." Qibli tried to soothe Winter.

Winter snorted. "Really, and how do you know the Principal, huh?" He demanded.

"Sorry to be late, boys." A smooth voice sounded at the back of the room.

Qibli immediately jumped out of his seat and bowed deeply.

"Your majesty!"

Winter stared. The most informal, unroyal, yet intelligent Queen of the desert fairies was the Principal?!

The former leader of the rebellion waved her hand at Qibli.
"Terrible to see you here, Qibli. What did you do, ya ruffian?"

"Your majesty." Winter quickly followed Qibli into bowing.
"Chillax both of you. Just call me Thorn." Thorn smirked at the two boys, but then turned stoic.

"Now, what happened with you two."

Winter wasted no time in the explanation.
" I was just showing a no-good night elf her place when this," he gestured to Qibli. "This, sand fairy interrupted me!"

"You were threatening her!" Qibli quickly shot back.
"Boys, boys, calm down." Thorn shook her head.

"Even though fighting in hallways results i a detention, and using powers is an automatic 1 day suspension, since today is the first day for the school, I'll let this pass." She then gazed sternly to us.

"Don't pull a stunt like that again, okay."

"Yes, Madame."
"Of course, Thorn."

"Good," she turned her head to the papers on her desk. "Now shoo, you can go now."

Qibli and Winter slowly went outside.

"See, I told you it will be alright." Qibli smirked.

Winter just groaned.

'1 day suspension and detention? What did I get myself into?!'

 It's my personal headcannon that all the Queens takes turns in being the Principal of the academy. Beside that, hope you enjoyed!


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