Pancakes and Storms

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3rd person pov.

Moonwatcher yawned as she woke up to a delicious smell coming from the kitchen. Following her nose, she turned down the hallway into the kitchen. Kinkajou was there, and cooking breakfast.

The young nymph turned and grinned at the elf.

"Are you awake? I made PANCAKES!"
She showed Moon what she was making.
Moon backed away.

"Um, sorry, but you said you were making pancakes?"

What Moon was seeing looked a lot like a cross between a lab rat and a durian.
"Um, Kinkajou, you sure this is pancakes?" She questioned.

Kinkajou giggled.
"It's my special recipe~." She sang.

Moon looked like she was going to vomit.

"Uh, Kink. You sure that this is edible?"
Kinkajou huffed, folding her arms behind her back.

"Of course, silly. Just try!"
She then proceeded to shove some inside her mouth.

Moon gagged. At first, it tasted like fish mixed with toothpaste with a hint of vanilla. But then, it changed to a positively delectable flavor of chocolate covered raspberry.

"Oh my God, Kinkajou. How did you make this?" Moon gasped.

Kinkajou puffed her chest out. "It's a mix between Sugerberry and Fugermenta. It's healthy too! I always have that for breakfast." She beamed.

Moon giggled. "You must make it often. It's delicious!" She clapped her hands in a applause for Kinkajou's creation.

Kinkajou giggled too. "What did you have for breakfast?" She questioned.

Moon smiled. "Something that me and my mom called Gimah. Made from some wheat, fruit juice, the bark of a wine tree and a pinch of Hazzle Dust. It was my favorite meal." Moon sighed. "A pity that Hazzle Dust is too hard to get nowadays. I loved the flavor."

Kinkajou clapped her hand, excited. "My sister Glory gets Hazzle Dust as a present from her friends. We can use those to make it!"

Moon gasped. "No way!" She cried.

Kinkajou nodded her head enthusiastically.

So the two girls waited in anticipation for the bonding time between them.

Meanwhile within Room 305, boys dorm, a storm was brewing.....



A time when most of the boys would be asleep, two very immature faes were having a screaming match.

What would trigger a royal Ice Fae and a rebel Sand Fae's wrath as they scream at each other? What kind of dastardly insults were spat between them?

"Queen Thorn is the best queen ever!" Qibli shouted as he used his sand powers to attack Winter. "Pure royal blood is just rubbish!"

"Absurb. Royal blood is strengthen by the rich, magic that flows in our veins!" Winter shot forward with a growl.

"Oh, yeah? Then why are there no animus in your precious royal blood? Hmm?"


"Igloo face!"

"Sand snorter!"

The two boys' battle was interrupted by an annoyed growl next dorm.

"You two shut up! You guys are starting to sound like each other!"


They looked at each other.


What a nice way to start the first day of school. 

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