Besties Forever

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Kinkajou Pov.

Kinkajou was currently very happy to be in school. The rainforest was nice, and all, but it was so BORING! And to be honest, no one cared about anyone except for them.

They also thought that she was annoying, which was INSANE!!!

She wasn't always annoying.

Just mostly annoying.
They said that she babbled a lot, especially Bromeliad, her tutor.

But her roommate don't seem to mind her constant babbling. Rather, she seemed to like it!

It was a unique experience for Kinkajou.

Even her sister Glory snapped at her sometimes. But Moon was different.

Moonwatcher, her newest best friend giggled.

"No way that happened!" She laughed.

Kinkajou grinned. " Oh, yes it did, and the funniest thing was that he didn't even notice me!" She laughed.

"But enough about me, how about you? Have any funny slice of life stories?" Kinkajou asked.

Truth to be told, it was only her who've been talking for the last couple of hours. She felt a little bad for her friend.

"Oh, um... Not really." Moon awkwardly laughed.

" I'm not a good talker."
"It's alright, come on, share! There must be a funny story!"

"Well, when I was just a kid, my mom had to leave home for a lot. So I would go out to the backyard and..."

Kinkajou listened to Moon's story, gasping loudly and dramatically at the end.

"Wow, no WAY THAT HAPPENED!!!" She screamed. Moon giggled. "Calm down, Kinkajou. But yes," she smirked. "It happened."

"Aww, who knew that you were so fierce! No offense, really."
"None taken." Moon giggled.

"It's been a while since I talked to someone like that." Moon smiled warmly at Kinkajou.

Kinkajou cocked her head.
"What do you mean?" She asked.

Moon sighed.
"Back at the nymph territory, a lot of other elves didn't like me because of my hair." She murmured. Moon blinked and hastily waved her hands.

"It's nothing anyway. They were just jealous of my upbringing." She chuckled nervously.

Kinkajou was shocked! Moon's hair was the coolest thing that she had ever saw! And it was so fitting, because she was a night elf and all that.

"Wow, that's so mean!" She fumed.
"Being mean for something that you camt control! Seriously, those jerks should get a life. Talking to my best friend like that!"

Moon blinked. "I'm your best friend?" She asked.

Kinkajou smiled. "Uh, yeah!" She shouted.
"Who wouldn't want to be a best friend of a totally cool night elf who isn't as mean as other Night elves?"

Moon smiled.
"Thanks, Kinkajou."

This chap is short and sweet. Hope u enjoyed! ;)

Next up, the Aftermath. 

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