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beomgyu woke up to the sound he dreads the most - his alarm. he groans and sets the alarm on snooze before falling asleep once again.

he was once again woken up by the sound that is not his alarm, but his older brother yelling at him to wake up.

"mmm.. five more minutes!!" beomgyu mumbled. his brother was NOT having it, so he snatches beomgyu's hair earning a loud whine from him and aggressively takes his phone to show him the time.

beomgyu's eyes widened when he sees the time. school starts in 5 minutes... and their school is 10 minutes away from their house.

he immediately shoves his brother away and starts multi-tasking. he brushes his teeth while taking a piss then scrambles to put his uniform on while making his way inside the car without even bothering to brush his hair.

"did you endure a fucking tornado or something? go brush your hair!" the older sibling complained.

"who the fuck cares?!"

"literally every single person at school is drooling over you, do you think they'd like it if they saw you lookin' like a person who just got dumped?"

"do you want me to dump you in the dumpster?"

"shut the fuck up."

"YOU LITERALLY STARTED IT" beomgyu flipped the male off and rolled his eyes.

"we're actually gonna be late to school now because of your whiny ass." the older male grumbled and sped up the car.



"asses can't speak."

"shut the fuck up."

the two boys reached the school in a flash - beomgyu afraid that they'd literally get pulled over.

and of course, everyone was drooling over his appearance, his messy hair making him twice as attractive.

he really found them disgusting but didn't mind it. he liked the attention.

he eventually made it to class and plopped on his chair without bothering to listen to his annoying ass professor's lecture about why he's 3 minutes late.

instead of paying attention to the professor, he paid attention to soobin. hoping that one day he'd notice his feelings for him.

he was daydreaming about who knows what - but was quickly snapped out of it when the teacher announced a project that takes up a third of their grade.

"this project will take up a third of your grade, so take it seriously. you can choose your partners, but don't be loud."

he immediately stood up and shyly approached soobin whose seat was two rows in front of him, but was met with yeonjun who was already there.


"sorry, i already have a partner."

those words sent both beomgyu and yeonjun into a state of shock. they both glared at each other before speaking in sync;


soobin points to the person sitting on his left.

beomgyu raises his eyebrow and looks at the said person; who was obviously kai.

he rolls his eyes and made his way back to his seat and melted on the chair.

("i hate my fucking life.")

yeonjun was popular, yes, but barely made any friends. ironic, isn't it?

he went to his only choice left who was changbin and smacked his shoulder.

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