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yeonjun stepped inside without permission, noticing beomgyu's drenched body and slightly red eyes. his heart ached, realizing just what could've happened.

"beomgyu, what happened." he asked with a stern voice, placing his hands on both sides of beomgyu's heated face, looking deeply into his eyes.

beomgyu's eyes darted everywhere besides yeonjun, not knowing what to say. who leaves their friend in the rain then just shows up at their doorstep right after?

".. you stood me up."

"..i- i stood you.. up..?" yeonjun was confused, he did send that message didn't he? or did he forget to click send..?

"i was sitting under the rain for three hours with nothing to do, i almost fell asleep waiting for you!"

"are.. are you fucking crazy, beomgyu?! why would you wait THREE hours just for me? couldn't you.. i don't know, go home after one hour??"

beomgyu pouted, pushing yeonjun's hands away with force. yeonjun stood confused, eyebrows furrowed as he stared at the shorter boy that was currently looking at the ground.

"..i thought you'd come."

yeonjun could feel a pain in his heart.. did he really make beomgyu wait this long? three.. hours.

"look, I'm sorry. my head fuckin' hurts right now so i can't go too far to apologize to you, but i just wanna make it up to you with at least.. something?" he took beomgyu's hand in his, holding it as if his hand was something fragile. beomgyu slowly looked up to meet the taller's gaze, almost melting at how soft he looked.

".. did you not see my message? did it not send?" yeonjun rubbed circles onto beomgyu's hand, looking for answers.

"you.. sent me a message?" beomgyu's eyes widened, sprinting towards his room and kneeling towards his bed to check his messages.

he squeezed his eyes shut, groaning as he shoved his head into the bed. he blamed yeonjun.. but it wasn't his fault. god, how stupid was he?!

he stood up and dashed towards yeonjun who was leaning against his doorframe, hugging him tightly.

yeonjun was confused, yes.. but he leaned into it, patting beomgyu's back.

"you're gonna get my clothes wet too, y'know.."

"I'm sorry, i left my phone at home when i got there. i just- i didn't think it was possible that you wouldn't come." he stuttered, looking up at yeonjun.

"oh.. that's why." yeonjun scratched the side of his head and continued to pat beomgyu's back, his gaze focused on the side.

"i didn't consider the possibility that-" yeonjun placed his index on beomgyu's lips, shutting him up.

"i know, you don't gotta keep explaining yourself. i understand." he chuckled, ruffling the younger's hair.

"well.. i guess we'll just order food and pretend that we planned it at my house..?"

"yeah, we'll do that." he smiled warmly.

both of the two boys were on beomgyu's bed, chatting whilst munching on the chicken that beomgyu ordered.

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