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'something urgent happened, let's cancel the meet up for now'
Delivered 5:53 PM

taehyun had run off to a stranger's house around ten minutes away from the school. he was standing on their porch, ringing the doorbell nervously as he took off his coat with his other arm.

a beautiful lady around her mid-thirties opened the door welcoming taehyun with a warm smile.

"hello, dear- you must be taehyun? my daughter is in the living room right now. she isn't aware that you were coming over today, but I'm sure she'll be happy when she sees you." she pointed towards her child on the couch.

"ah, yes! i'm more than happy to entertain her while you're gone." taehyun smiled back and bowed politely. he took off his shoes and stepped in the house, taking in his surroundings. he was in awe of the luxurious interior. he saw the woman's daughter, looking like an ant compared to the size of this mansion.

"are you really sure i'm allowed to even step inside this house? i should be the one paying you!" taehyun chuckled.

"of course you're allowed!" she giggled, "there's a reason why i even let you inside, isn't there? i'm about to leave in around, err... fifteen minutes? let's have a small talk while i wait." she smiled and carried her purse over to the couch. she had noticed taehyun just standing there and raised an eyebrow.

"what are you doing there? come sit! you're acting as if our couch is gonna turn into a pile of mud the moment you touch it. you're her babysitter. might as well act like you're one of our family members, right?"

taehyun scratched the back of his neck awkwardly and sat on one of the chairs as if they were a piece of delicate furniture that would shatter into bits at the slightest touch.

"i heard you're really good with babies? i've seen so many of your customers' comments on how satisfied they are with your service. is there some type of secret on how to tame these.. creatures?" she turned her head to glance at her daughter that was tapping away on a tablet with her crusty ass, cheeto dust-covered fingers. "it's as if they aren't capable of understanding simple instructions.."

"that's how children are. she's three, isn't she?" the woman nodded, checking on her watch.

"I'll take care of her. don't worry, ma'am. nobody has ever been disappointed in my service."

"that's what i'm expecting. just know that i could sue you whenever i wanted to if i'm ever dissatisfied with whatever you've done with her. i care about her a lot and if something were to ever happen to her, i'd kill." taehyun nervously looked up at her dangerous gaze.

her daughter looked up and saw an unfamiliar man— she looked at him with a skeptical face and a wrinkled nose.

"mama, who's this tomato?" she pointed at his red hair, her eyebrows furrowed.

"he's your babysitter, dear. he'll take care of you for the day while i'm at work."

"but maaaa!! i don't want you to leave..." the child pouted and cutely waddled over to her mom, tugging on her sleeves.

"it's important so that mommy will give you anything you want. you wanted that unicorn plushie, didn't you? i'll gladly buy that for little grace when we have enough money. that's why mommy needs to work for us, okay?" she smiled warmly at her child and caressed her tiny fingers gently.

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