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the sunlight peeked through beomgyu's blinds, acting as an alarm for the boy as he woke up, groaning as he felt a pressure on his chest.

he looked down, breath catching in his throat as he found a gorgeous boy sleeping in his arms. he chuckled, hands moving up to brush yeonjun's messy bangs away.

god, he could never get enough. he wants to wake up to seeing this face every morning. he wants to see yeonjun every second of his life. he likes him so much, it's overwhelming.

and it's too bad, he belongs to someone else.

yeonjun's beauty is ethereal. you could tell him to make an ugly face; and he'd still look like the most beautiful being on earth. maybe he's exaggerating- but that's what he sees in his eyes.

how he wished he confessed way earlier than taehyun did. it's so goddamn annoying, knowing that some nerd beat him to a confession. now he has no chance. no chance to have the boy that lay peaceful in his arms.

he could've confessed years ago. he COULD have, if only his greedy ass didn't force himself into thinking he likes soobin.

soobin is a nice guy, yes. he's attractive, very attractive. and yes, he's tall. so he forced himself to like him- even though he knows his heart yearned for choi yeonjun. unfortunately for his young and timid mind, he thought it was unacceptable to fall in love with your best friend.

and yet here he is, wholeheartedly accepting that he's fallen in love with his friend. but he wouldn't admit that. not when he's dating someone else.

.. he'll keep his feelings hidden.

.....for now.

yeonjun's eyes fluttered open, eyelids flickering as he yawned, nose scrunching up.

he looked up, tired eyes meeting beomgyu's round ones. he had just now noticed that he was on beomgyu's chest the entire night,


"morning, sleepyhead."

"mmph, morning.." yeonjun mumbled, rolling off beomgyu's chest and letting his hands roam around the bed, searching for his phone.

beomgyu looked over yeonjun's shoulder from behind, only to realize he was messaging taehyun. he pouted, turning to face the wall in order to not witness what they were talking about.

yeonjun yawned once again, sitting up and stretching his arms up.

"I'll cook breakfast, it's my way of paying you back for the treat last night." beomgyu only replied with a simple hum. yeonjun smiled, letting his feet fall on the ground before pulling himself up and walking towards the kitchen outside of beomgyu's room.

he squinted, looking for the kitchen. it's been years since he's last been in beomgyu's house, and the memory of the entire layout is still fuzzy inside yeonjun's head. but it's fine, he'll get used to it soon.

he turned his head and found the kitchen, finding beomgyu's brother already there.

.. and a wandering kitty that he's never seen before. it was thin, and looked like a stray.

he picked it up by its scruff and gently inspected it, and sure enough- it had scratches on its body. but it did smell good, so he assumed that beomgyu adopted it from the streets. that's what a boy like him would do.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09 ⏰

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