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beomgyu was in class, bored as hell.

it's just some boring lecture about algebra, who cares about that?!

he yawned and furrowed his eyebrows, his eyes begging to be closed.

he slaps his own hand and shakes his head to wake up, but still can't. can't blame him, he's only gotten 2 hours of sleep.

he took out his sketchbook and started doodling his thoughts away.

a weirdly drawn ape combined with.. a dolphin..?? a cat with human feet.. and other inhumane stuff that his brain could think of.

yeonjun, on the other hand.. was absent.

because he's sick, and also needs time to process that the person he's in love with, is in love with another person.

he wishes that he tried harder. maybe if he just met soobin earlier than he met kai.. maybe.. just maybe.

but it doesn't matter anymore. huening kai and soobin are dating. he can't turn back time.

that's why, he locked himself in his room all day. tired and lonely. his pillow is wet, full of his tears.

this guy has never heard of towels, has he? that pillow has suffered enough.

damn, life is tough.

yeonjun stared at the ceiling for who knows how long- thinking about what it would be like to be kai.

what would it feel like, having the man of your dreams clinging to you, kissing you every minute, cuddling you every night and comforting you?

that's probably what kai is experiencing. his life is perfect. he himself is perfect.

oh how envious yeonjun is. he wants to be loved too. yes, he has his family.. but they're occupied with work most of the time. it's frustrating.

all of his thoughts subsided when suddenly, his stomach hurt really bad.

he sat up and coughed, and coughed, and coughed.. until both his chest and throat started hurting.

he stood up weakly and walked over to the bathroom, stumbling and nearly tripping every 3 seconds.

he knealed in front of the toilet.. and.. yeah. he threw up.

he stood up, flushed the toilet and leaned back on the wall in front of the toilet.

god damn, his head hurt like hell.

when he stood up, his vision blurred. his head spun as he could barely hold himself up.

colors started to infiltrate his vision.

he attempted to take a step forward, not knowing where he's going and.. boom. he fell.

his brain gave up on him and let his entire body shut down, falling to the floor and passing out, right then and there.

when he woke up, he was still laying there.. on the bathroom floor.

"god fucking damn it.." he muttered and used the crack on the wall as support to stand up, careful to not pass out again.

he doesn't know why he was expecting to wake up in the damn hospital..

he walked towards his bed and sat on the edge, he stared at the wall for a good 5 minutes before grabbing his phone on the side table.

GAD DAYUM that's a lot of notifs

"what the hell.." he whispered to himself and furrowed his eyebrows.

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