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beomgyu woke up to his alarm and groaned, he aggressively slammed his hand onto the clock to turn it off and throw it across the room. well.... maybe just by one foot.

"why do i have an alarm on a weekend??" he said as he sat up, his eyes still half closed.

he looked out the window to be met with a blinding light and he immediately pulled the curtains down.

"and why'd i leave the curtains up last night?!" he scratched the side of his head and pulled his phone out from under his pillow,

2 missed calls from YEONHOE🖕.

beomgyu contemplated before opening the notifications and widened his eyes upon seeing how much yeonjun's spammed.

why the fuck was yeonjun spamming him this early in the morning?

he got another call from yeonjun once again and answered it without bothering to read what his messages were about.

"what the fuck do you want?"


beomgyu winced because of the sound and pulled the phone away from his ear, damn this bitch's voice was LOUD. so early in the morning too.

"damn bro i just woke up, chill out!"

"meet me at the café, NOW. i've been here for 5,000 years!"

"dude, which one?? there are hundreds!"

"i'll send you the address, just wear whatever you want and get your ass here"

before beomgyu could even reply, he hung up.

he sighed and checked the address yeonjun sent.

("why does this bitch want me at a café 7a.m. in the morning?")

he got up, he sloppily put on his jacket and shoes without bothering to change his clothes.

he got up, he sloppily put on his jacket and shoes without bothering to change his clothes

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he stormed out the house and grumpily walked to the café where yeonjun wants him to go.

he spotted out of the corner of his eye through the glass of the place, yeonjun on his phone sitting on a table for two.

he entered and stood in front of the table beside yeonjun, yet he doesn't seem to notice him.

he kept standing, yet yeonjun's eyes are still glued to his phone.

he got tired of standing and just hit yeonjun's head from behind,

"ow! the fuck-" he looked to his right and saw beomgyu.

"oh, hi there."

"I've been standing here for 5 minutes." beomgyu gritted his teeth and glared at yeonjun.

"then why didn't you sit? fucking dumbass.."

beomgyu didn't respond and instead sat on the chair across yeonjun.

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