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yeonjun separated from the two and tried to run home by foot. not when he tripped on a giant rock that his blind ass somehow DID NOT SEE, then got a giant scrape on his knee.

he crawled to the edge of the sidewalk and winced in pain.

he checked the bleeding wound and brushed the crumbs of cement off. he then grabbed a handkerchief from his pocket and wiped the blood off.

but what do you know, it kept on bleeding.

he crawled back to the rock and punched it softly.

("fuck you, rock. I JUST WANTED TO GO HOME IN PEACE")

he stared at it, gritting his teeth then crawling back to where he previously was, next to the fence of the sidewalk on the bridge.

then a miracle happened.

well, a not-so-miracle. it's kinda not what yeonjun wanted..

beomgyu was just walking on the road, enjoying the fresh breeze when he saw a poor looking man sitting beside the fence.. he was gonna give him money and approached him,


he wanted to back out but he already approached.

"yeonjun..?" he hesitantly called.

yeonjun raised his head to meet beomgyu's eyes, then he looked back at his bleeding knee.

beomgyu's eyes widened then he kneeled in front of yeonjun, inspecting the wound.

it was an instinct. it's hard not to care when your ex BEST FRIEND is bleeding on the road.

"what happened?"

"..leave. i can handle this."

"no, you're hurt."

"why do you care?" yeonjun stupidly asked.



yeonjun pouted and looked down.

"don't give me that face." beomgyu looked away.

he's gotten a glow up, and he's got healthier hair.. so obviously, he looks even prettier when he pouts than he did when he pouted 3 years ago.

beomgyu looked back at yeonjun.

"i tripped on that rock." yeonjun pointed at the rock he previously tripped on.

"geez, how did you not see that? dumbass.."

"i was running, man.."

beomgyu looked at him and sighed, taking yeonjun's handkerchief and covering the wound.

so gentle. he's actually trying to not hurt him.



beomgyu nodded as he gently applied pressure, then took off his backpack to take out an emergency kit,

he looked for betadine, he squeezed a little out onto a cotton ball and lightly dabbed on the wound.

yeonjun winced. he shut his eyes closed tight and pursed his lips,

beomgyu looked at him and smiled fondly,

("how cute..")

he then realized what he was thinking then shook his head out of it. that space in his head is only made for school and the tournament he has in valorant tonight.

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