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what happened between them after that?

well, nothing much. just yeonjun suffering.

and neither of them went to prom with soobin, because he was with kai. everyone knows soobin is stupidly in love with huening kai, but both yeonjun and beomgyu are two, dumb as fuck, oblivious bitches. too delusional to believe that soobin likes kai.

and.. who ended up being their prom? some random girls that asked them to prom. they're that desperate.

but beomgyu's more desperate, doing more than anything just to not talk to yeonjun.

yeonjun is frustrated. what did he do wrong?

he misses his best friend. so much to the point where he got depressed.

yeah, beomgyu's reason to ignore yeonjun is stupid. but what would you do in that situation if you found out that your best friend, the person you trust the most.. likes the same person as you? that would be awkward.

beomgyu was also frustrated. he wanted to talk to yeonjun, he wanted to see that adorable pout again, he wanted to touch his soft silky hair. but no matter how much he wanted to; he can't. he's afraid. he doesn't want to break their relationship because of one person. but that's exactly what happened.

yeonjun hates beomgyu.

beomgyu's noticed that.

beomgyu often glances at yeonjun then ends up staring at him for too long that he notices and looks back at beomgyu. beomgyu keeps staring, but yeonjun immediately turns back to his food and continues eating.

beomgyu hates himself too.

why did he have to drift apart from yeonjun? oh how fucking stupid he was.


right, the project.

yeonjun didn't want to approach beomgyu. nuh uh. never again.

he stayed on his chair - deciding on if it's worth it to ask beomgyu.

..nah. he'll just wait for a random girl to approach him.




one tap on yeonjun's shoulder.

is someone finally asking him to be their partner?

he slowly turned around.




not the person he expected.


beomgyu. why on earth was he tapping yeonjun's shoulder?

maybe he's mistaken yeonjun for someone else... or is trying to borrow a sharpener or some shit.

"wrong person, dumbass."

"you mean, right person?"


"i don't want to either. but i have no choice but to choose a douchebag like you to be my partner."

"and what makes you think I'll accept that?"

"I'll fuck your mom if you don't."

"let go of my shoulder then I'll agree."

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