Moments: Christmas Moments

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Set 4½ months after Epilogue 1

"Can I tell them, mummy? Daddy? Can I? Can I?" James bounces up and down with excitement as Aubrey Hall hones into view.

It's been four and a half months since your wedding at this very place, and you are excited to return and see the extended Bridgerton clan again, gathering as you all are to celebrate Christmas together. Your life has changed almost beyond recognition in the months since you last approached the house in a carriage with your son. Now you have so much more with you, including the man holding your hand tight as James bounces excitedly on his knee. Your husband, Benedict.

You both chuckle at your son's excitement and share a look and a nod. "James darling, yes, of course, you can," you smile indulgently.

He whoops with delight and jumps out of the carriage before your footman can so much as bring out the step.

"James!!" you call out, "wait!"

But he doesn't heed your words. He sprints up the steps of the house and launches himself at Violet, standing in the doorway.

"Grandmother!! Hello!" he cries.

Even as Benedict helps you out of the carriage, you can see the emotion on her face at the title James has greeted her with.

"Oh! Yes, my darling boy, that's right, I am your grandmother," she confirms, swaying him in a tight hug.

"Benedict! Y/n! My loves!!" she calls, not letting James go, "it's so utterly wonderful to see you!"

"You too, mother," Benedict says, kissing her on the cheek, unable to embrace her fully as his own son keeps hold of Violet so tightly.

"James, let go now," you cajole, leaning to kiss Violet on the cheek lightly.

"Let's get inside out of the chilly air," she suggests, running an affectionate hand over James' trademark Bridgerton chestnut hair.

"I've got some news for you, grandmother, but it shall wait for dinner," James spoils with a big stage wink, taking her hand and practically dragging her inside.

Violet laughs and happily allows James to pull her through the hallway and to the drawing room, where the sounds of a gathering spill from.

"He is terrible at keeping secrets, you know," Benedict chuckles. "I doubt he will keep it under wraps for more than five minutes."

"To be honest darling, once my cloak is off, the point may be moot," you remark as you trail Violet and James.

"I thought you chose that dress specifically?"

"I did indeed. And I suspect it may fool the Bridgerton men; I'm not as certain about the women. They have greater possession of the family intellect," you jest, raising an eyebrow at him.

"Will that joke never grow old?" he deadpans as he helps you out of said cloak.

You just giggle as you both walk into the drawing room together, arm in arm.

The room is lit with festive red candles, and garlands of holly and ivy drape across the mantle above the roaring fire and over various furniture. Everyone is in small groups and talking animatedly. The whole family (and their children) are gathered, the only exception being Francesca, who apparently will arrive the following day.

After a warm greeting from all, and with a quick squeeze of Benedict's arm, you move away from him to make a beeline to sit on the sofa; your ankles appreciate any break they can get lately. As you do so, you watch James ingratiate himself into the Bridgerton clan, walking around the room, so at ease.

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