Chapter 6: House Arrests with Guests

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Rhysand was gone in the morning, but Iyla had somehow known that he had remained with her all night and she had been safe.

Two days after the dinner party, Azriel appeared in her room to check on her and let her know that he had visited her sisters. Knowing that she wasn't allowed to visit, they both had given Azriel letters they had written for Iyla. The spymaster also gave Iyla a message from Rhysand before he left.

"Thank you for taking time out of your schedule to deliver these to me, Azriel," Iyla thanked him sincerely and placed a hand over her heart. "I know you carry a large amount of responsibilities given your position, and running messages between mortal sisters hardly falls under your purview. However, it means the world to me."

Azriel just nodded and offered a small smile in response. "You are very welcome, Iyla. It was my pleasure," he said before he disappeared into the shadows.

The letters from her sisters were very predictable. Elain was upset that her twin sister was unavailable to assist her in wedding planning, but she listed all the preparations she had already made. Nesta's letter was a diatribe describing how poorly she felt about the Illyrians coming to their home, how horrible Lord Sieve was for disallowing Iyla's visits, and anger toward Graysen and his father, Lord Nolan.

Iyla saved Rhys' letter for last. She felt nervous to read it, but she didn't fully understand why.


I cannot express how wonderful it felt to wake up next to you that next morning. You looked so peaceful, I could not justify waking you before I left your bed.

She was grateful she was hidden away in her bedroom as the blush bloomed across her cheeks.

Now that I know you're blushing,

"Why you..." Iyla said to herself in amusement.

Now that I know you're blushing, I can get to the purpose of this little note. Your sister and I are leaving for the Summer Court in a few days and at this time, I am not sure how long we will be welcomed within the city. I won't be visiting you, but I will be sending Azriel and Cassian to check on you in my stead. Try not to miss me too much, darling.


Iyla smiled at his words, but was disappointed he wouldn't be appearing in her room soon. The blonde quickly shook herself out of that thought. She folded the paper, as well as her sisters' notes and stuck them under her mattress knowing that she needed to dispose of them in the kitchen fires in the morning. No one could know she had contacts outside of the house.

Several days after disposing of the letters, Iyla discussed menu preparations with Mrs. Grismore for a dinner Erick was hosting for a neighboring Lord the following day. The lady had just finalized the menu when she was accosted by Erick in the hallway outside the kitchen.

"Mother dearest, my father is sending home an honored guest that will be staying with us for a period of time. He has details in his letter for you, but I am to ensure that you treat this Lord Smith as well as you would royalty. He is an emissary for the Queens," Erick looked upset by this news and he rushed his message.

Without giving away her immediate trepidation for hosting an emissary for the Queens, the same Queens here sisters have been trying to contact in secret, Iyla simply asked, "May I see my letter to see if my Lord has any specific requests?" Erick practically threw it at her and she had to bend down to retrieve it from the floor.

"Thank you," she said once she had picked up the paper. "Your menu has been set for the dinner you have planned tomorrow, is there anything else you wish to discuss now?" she asked while wearing her meek wife mask. In her head, she was fuming. Iyla knew that he had purposefully dropped the letter to the floor and that he watched her every move to pick it up. Whether it was for her humiliation or an act of trying to see more of her cleavage, she wasn't sure.

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