Chapter 9: Playing Both Sides

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Speaking mind-to-mind - bold and italicized
Jurian stood in a darkened round chamber below dungeons where the King had placed the Cauldron. Somehow the King knew that the Night Court's inner circle would be drawn to the power and would be led straight to the room. As usual, the King was proven correct when Jurian watched as Feyre Cursebreaker led Morrigan, Azriel, and Cassian into the circular room. He knew who she was right away even though he'd never met Iyla's sisters. He didn't remember her from his time in the ring, but this female shared enough of Iyla's features that gave them nearly the same face with only some coloration differences.

"Hurry," Jurian heard Morrigan tell Feyre. "We've only got a few minutes."

Whatever spell the King was using to ward the castle was shielding Jurian from the Spymaster too, he noticed when Azriel overlooked his hiding spot. Jurian was a little worried that his plan would go sour if Rhys' daemati skills were being blocked. He and Elowae would have to improvise and with Iyla and her sisters present, it could go to shit very quickly.

Once Feyre put her hand onto the Cauldron, she started whispering something with continued pauses, but Jurian could not hear what she was saying. He watched as each time she stopped, Morrigan called out to her, asking her to rush. Suddenly, Feyre took the two pieces of the Book of Breathing out and started to put them together. Jurian didn't have an opportunity to do anything about it when Morrigan practically tackled Feyre, but a burst of power flowed out from the Book once the pieces were placed together. The King wanted those pieces, now that he would be certain the Night Court had them. Jurian wondered where the hell Rhys was. He had been shouting out to him in his head in the hopes that the daemati would get Iyla out of here when they inevitably escaped using the Cursebreaker's abilities.

A wave of power ran down his spine and urged Jurian to step out from the shadows, letting him know the King wanted to move forward with the plan. "You stupid fool," he said to the Cursebreaker when he saw that she was straining so hard against the will of the Cauldron that her nose was bleeding.

"Jurian," Feyre said when she saw him.

"Good, you remember me," Jurian sneered and raised a finger toward his eye which he knew she would have seen on the witch's finger. This was all a game to the king, but one Jurian needed to drag out for the Night Court to succeed.

Cassian stepped in between Jurian and Feyre. "Worked your way up the ranks, did you? Congratulations," Jurian smirked at Cassian.

Everyone felt Rhys' presence sweep into the room and he appeared at Cassian's side, in front of Feyre. Jurian noticed that the Book was instantly gone from Feyre's hands. He looked Rhys in the eyes and attempted to communicate again. About fucking time, dickhead, Jurian projected to Rhys.

"You look good, Jurian," Rhys said, strolling closer to Jurian. "For a corpse." Playing both sides these days? Rhys asked in Jurian's head. 

"Last time I saw you," Jurian sneered at Rhys' verbal joke, "you were warming Amarantha's sheets." I tried to warn you before you even arrived, Jurian answered.

"So you remember," Rhysand mused, out loud with one one the wiser. "Interesting." He knew we were coming?

Jurian nodded at Rhys' silent question even as his dark eyes moved to Morrigan. "Where is Miryam?" He thinks I'm on his side for vengeance. Keep up the ruse, and I'll help you out of here, but Jurian continued to look at Morrigan waiting for an answer.

"She's dead," Morrigan said flatly, it was obvious to Jurian that she was lying. "She and Drakon drowned in the Erythrian Sea."

Jurian looked from her to Rhys, He told me she was alive on that island. He thinks she's my motivation to remain on his side. When you get out of here, warn them that he knows.

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