Chapter 14: So We Meet Again

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The next morning, Iyla woke to birds chirping outside her large open windows. It took her a few minutes to remember where she was, and why, but when raised her hand and felt her pointed ear tip, she recalled everything. Gingerly, the blonde started to get up from her bed when she heard a knock at the door.

Looking down at her nighttime ensemble, ever the lady, Iyla made sure she was appropriately clothed before she called out. The shirt and pants combination wasn't something Lord Sieve would find appropriate, but it covered her well enough so she said, "Come in."

She was unsurprised as Rhys poked his head in as he opened the door. He sensed her need to see a familiar face this morning. "Good afternoon, my lady," he said, surprising her. As he strode the rest of the way into the room, she noticed that he wasn't in his customary black suit that she had gotten used to over their friendship, but clothes meant for leisure, loose fitting black pants and a dark gray tunic. To Iyla, he looked effortlessly handsome. Internally groaning that she was still drawn to his attractiveness, Iyla caught what he said after a short delay.

"Afternoon?" Iyla questioned him.

"As it turns out, you were more tired than you thought," Rhys smiled at her in a teasing way. "Nesta and Elain have been pestering Azriel to bring you to the house they're staying in, if you're still interested in joining them, I can take you," he offered as he held out his hand to assist her climbing from the bed.

"Oh, of course," the newly turned fae said, berating herself for sleeping in so late. She had always been an early riser, but apparently human Iyla and Fae Iyla were different creatures. She was worried about her sisters and now that she's temporarily faced the idea of her own immortality the night before, she felt ready to help her sisters in any way she could. Her face turned red when her stomach rumbled loudly in front of Rhys' curious eyes.

To her embarrassment, of course he heard it and smirked in response, "Maybe you would like to eat a little first?" Iyla nodded happily that he didn't tease her. "Great," he said. "I'll send something up for you to wear then, shall I?" For a reason she didn't understand, he seemed surprised that she was still being so kind to him. She felt a little guilty for hiding away, since Rhys didn't want to pressure her into spending time with his family, she knew he would offer to sit in the room alone with her again.

"That would be lovely. Thank you. I can join you and your friends today, if you'd like," Iyla said with a shy smile. The way Rhys had talked to her about his family during the visits he made to her in the human lands made her desire to spend time with them as well. Her thoughts took a turn when she realized that she may have plenty of time with them now that she was immortal. The newly turned fae still couldn't quite grasp that. Pulling herself away from them, she asked Rhys, "just let me freshen up, and I'll come down?"

He looked elated at her response and nodded happily, saying, "of course," before leaving her room. She felt pleased with herself for making him look so joyful, but she couldn't understand why.


Rhys headed down the stairs with a skip in his step and into the dinning room. "Nuala, could you please see that Iyla has something to wear?" he asked the wraith. He hadn't stocked the closet in that room and he wanted his mate to feel clean and comfortable.

"Of course, my Lord," Nuala responded and turned to do his bidding.

The rest of his Inner Court had taken seats at the table, and began talking amongst themselves quietly, but as Rhys came into the room, a few of them were wearing smiles. Rhys couldn't stop his own joy for his mate to willingly spend time with his family and he wanted his brothers and friends to love her as well.

"She'll be joining us today then," Mor asked Rhys. He nodded, still smiling at his luck.

"She will be, then I'll be taking her to recover with Nesta and Elain," he told the group.

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