Chapter 12: In My Dreams

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Rhys felt Iyla go limp within his arms. He felt her pulse and once he ascertained she was alright, he allowed Madja to rush over and check on her. The ancient healer shooed the fully healed Cassian from the bed leaving him rather disgruntled, but allowed the space for Rhys to lay Iyla out for a check up. The male briefly explained what he believed happened to Iyla before she was placed into the Cauldron. How she'd been bleeding and looked near dead.

All the while his brothers and Amren listened and stared at her limp body.

"She seems to be healing alright, High Lord. Whatever physical injuries she sustained, previous to her little swim are healing appropriately. Though I have no idea what the effects of being Made it the Cauldron could have, she appears to simply have exhausted herself," the healer assured him. "Perhaps you could leave her in a guest room to rest," she suggested.

"Thank you, Madja," he told her as Mor entered the room frantically.

"What the fuck? Were Cassian's wings an illusion too?" the tall blonde Fae asked when she saw Cassian standing wound free.

"We can talk in a moment, Mor. Did you take the girls to the Wind?" the high lord asked his cousin.

"Yes," she said as she was visually examining Cassian's wings and Azriel's side. "I showed them to the guest rooms and the kitchen, but the older one was pretty anxious and told me to get the hell out of there, in the nicest way possible."

Rhys nodded at Mor and asked Madja to check on the girls if they would allow her. The healer nodded at his request and disappeared to follow his orders. Rhys picked up Iyla off the bed and held her close to himself. Amren looked at Mor and nodded as though his actions confirmed their suspicions.

"At least get more comfortable with her if you aren't going to put her down, Rhysand," Amren told him as she handed him a large blanket to wrap around his mate since she was only wearing a bloodied and ripped up male shirt.

Azriel looked confused as to why Rhys was bringing her with them. "Rhys, my shadows can watch over her while we talk. She'll be alright," the spymaster offered.

"Unless you need her close?" Cassian asked, guessing why Rhys might be feeling the need to keep Iyla close to him right now.

Rhys just nodded. Azriel understood then, too. Iyla was his mate.

Cassian, Azriel, Amren, Mor, and Rhys carrying Iyla moved to a sitting room on the second floor.

"Will you please tell me what the fuck happened in Hybern?" Amren blurted the second Rhys took a seat, still cradling Iyla. "Where is Feyre? What girls are at the House of Wind?"

"How are my wings healed? Was it an illusion?" Cassian asked.

"I'll get there Cass," Rhys started. "Hybern knew we were coming. He successfully resurrected Jurian, Amren," he said, staring at his petite otherworldly friend. "What Hybern doesn't know is that Jurian is on our side and has teamed up with Elowae," the High Lord told her.

"Elowae is in Hybern?" Amren demanded.

"At least long enough to have made an alliance with Jurian," Azriel said. "He shot me with a bolt at the demand of the king, but she glamoured it to look like a poisoned ash arrow. She did so well, the King was fooled."

"Fuck, I know I was. You were bleeding all over the place Az. If I didn't trust Rhys, I would have thought you were really dying," Cassian said in a serious tone as he looked at the spymaster.

"So Jurian is alive and has already infiltrated the enemy's side with Elowae?" Amren asked for clarification.

Rhys nodded even though he hadn't looked up from Iyla's face. The high lord of the Night Court had never felt fear like he did earlier today when he watched, frozen by magic on his knees by the king, as Jurian carried out her limp and bleeding body. Iyla was barely conscious when she made eye contact and tried to say goodbye. He watched in concentrated fear as Jurian placed her into the depths of the Cauldron. When the water didn't even ripple after she was submerged, he thought the worst until the ray of light bounced through the throne room.

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