Chapter 7: Watching and Waiting

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Iyla Archeron Sieve often sat near a window facing the gardens in the library of her husband's estate. The room had been a sanctuary of peace for the young woman. When she first moved in, she was allotted a room in the guest hall, but once she bled, she was moved directly into her husband's rooms. Lord Sieve did not believe that she needed privacy. He had his study, so she began to use the library.

The blonde found that it was the perfect place to disappear for a while since her husband seemed to generally avoid the room and she had never seen either of his sons in there either. When she was younger, Iyla wondered why the estate had such an expansive library that no one seemed to use. As Iyla grew more accustomed to her role in the home, she realized she didn't care why they had it, but she was grateful to use the room as an escape from the males in the home.

Without being allowed to have true friends, the woman found herself with plenty of free time so she would immerse herself into the worlds of literature and nonfiction alike. Iyla had become well versed in many subjects since she spent as much time hiding away in the library as she could be allowed.

The afternoon of their esteemed guest's arrival, Iyla sat in her chair reading a book from the Night Court, glamoured by Rhys to look like a romance novel. Erick and Bartick had whisked Lord Jurian Smith into the study for a meeting almost as soon as he stepped away from greeting Iyla in the morning. The lady wasn't upset for the break from relentlessly going over the estate with a fine tooth comb to ensure he was pleased with his visit. Reading the book about the Day Court and its history was a far more enjoyable pastime for the blonde.

A throat clearing near the door ripped Iyla's concentration away from reading more about common 'lesser fae' of the Day Court and their qualities. The lady nearly dropped her book on the floor in fright from being surprised.

"I'm sorry for startling you, Iyla," Jurian chuckled. She realized that her unfortunate blush was making an appearance again. Iyla had no idea how he got so close to her before she realized that he was even in the room, then she'd made a fool of herself when he scared her.

The lady started to stand from her seat and apologize, but he waved at her to remain comfortable. "No need for formalities. I was just escaping your husband's sons for a few minutes and got lost on the way to my room," he told her. "I heard a noise from the opened doorway there, and came to ask whoever was in here for some directions. I did make some noise before I got this close to you, but you looked enthralled in your novel and I was loath to interrupt."

Her cheeks continued to flame when he gestured to the book she was holding. Rhys had glamoured the title to read Falling for Darkness, and the picture on the cover didn't leave anyone to wonder what category the book would fall under. Her whole body felt hot from mortification.

"No need to be embarrassed. We all have our secrets," Jurian winked at her.

"This may be the second most embarrassing first impression I've ever made," Iyla said, but she offered him a small smile. "I'm sorry that I haven't shown you to your rooms yet, Lord Smith. Erick and Bartick were rather adamant about speaking with you first," Iyla apologized.

"Jurian, please, Iyla," he returned kindly. "Would you mind showing me the way now? I'd like to clean up before dinner," the lord asked. "Maybe on the way you can tell me about your most embarrassing first impression."

"Of course, I'll guide you," Iyla grinned and stood up. "As for the story, I'm afraid I don't know you well enough to willingly make a fool of myself twice in one day. Perhaps if you ask tomorrow," she teased.

Together they walked from the library and down a long hall toward a set of double doors that housed the estate's best guest room. They made some small talk about his trip as they walked and Iyla smiled as a few passing servants in greeting. When they got to the doors, she opened the right door and gestured for him to enter. "If you need anything or there is something that isn't to your liking, please let me know. We want you to enjoy your stay here even if it is only for business," Iyla said kindly.

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