Chapter 15: You Call This a House?

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'The House of Wind' was not an apt description of the mountain residence, Iyla thought as she moved away from Rhys had landed on one of the many balconies she saw. It was a fortress carved into the rock of the largest peak of the mountains on the Northern part of the secret city.

"I thought you said he was bringing her here shortly after you arrived," Iyla heard Nesta telling Azriel. Her sister was not one to mince words. Iyla wasn't sure how long this argument had been going, but she hoped she arrived before Nesta would say something irrevocably rude to someone. Their position in this court was precarious at best. Iyla worried that it depended on what happened when Feyre arrived.

"They're here," Iyla heard the Illyrian offer simply in reply to her sister's queries.

Nesta stormed out onto the balcony and grabbed Iyla's arm to drag her inside and away from Rhys. "I'll take her from here. You may leave," Nesta told the High Lord. Iyla's eyes widened at the audacity of her sister.

"I will leave when Iyla tells me to, Nesta. This is my house," Rhys reminded Nesta as he put his hand into the pockets of his trousers, Iyla viewed as an attempt to remain calm.

"And it was your plans that turned us into this, so I'm not sure allowing us to stay here is as generous as you seem to believe," Nesta sniped at him as Azriel came out onto the balcony to join their small gathering.

Iyla didn't have time to respond except to say a quick, "sorry," to the two males before Nesta dragged her through the doors leading into a very large ornate kitchen. Her sister continued to pull her into a room off the kitchen and slammed the door behind them.

"Are you still hurt? Do you feel pain anywhere?" Nesta demanded as she looked over the younger Archeron twin, feeling her limbs.

"No, Nes, I'm alright. Are you?" Iyla asked her sister calmly.

"Of course I'm not fucking alright!" Nesta said sharply. "Elain has become a shell of herself after being drowned in that tub and turned into something we were taught to fear all our lives. You were assaulted and killed by a monster and brought back to life by a cooking pot, all right in front of me. I couldn't do anything to stop it and I can't do anything to help us now. I'm trapped in this damn house with only comatose Elain for company with pop ins by arrogant winged fae," Nesta threw venomously at her. "I'm not alright."

Iyla couldn't think of words to help her sister at that moment so she reached forward and hugged her tightly. Nesta didn't respond immediately to her hug, but she didn't shove her away, so Iyla continued. "It's alright to be upset, Nesta. I am. I know you think I'm fine with everything that has happened, but... well... I've had a good deal of practice hiding my thoughts and feelings," Iyla admitted, a little bit ashamed. "What you saw him do to me that day wasn't the first time. It was a fairly regular occurrence and I've survived every other time," Iyla told her quietly. "I'm sorry you had to witness it."

Nesta finally put her arms up and returned the gesture of the hug. They were still hugging so Iyla missed the tears Nesta shed silently for her sister. "I love you, Nesta. I hope you know that."

"I know," Nesta replied. She pulled herself back from the younger twin. "Would you try to talk to Elain? Nothing I say is getting through to her."

"Yes, where is my twin?" Iyla asked, nervous to see her sister after hearing about how horribly she was doing from Rhys and now Nesta.

"She hasn't eaten in a few days. She doesn't really acknowledge anything, so don't be upset if she doesn't talk to you," Nesta warned her sister as she led back out the door of the pantry and into the kitchen. The males were nowhere to be seen, but Iyla knew Rhys wouldn't leave her there without telling her first.

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