part three

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"you are the best thing that's ever been mine"
- taylor swift

"so thats why you chose this diner" I say emphasizing the this, Scott just looks at me with an almost pleading look in his eyes.

running into Avery hadn't occured to me even though it shouldve considering the fact I used to live here with her.

"I thought you'd be happy about it!" he says to me, I look through the window that shows the inside of the diner and see Brandon chatting with Avery looking more awkward then ever while Amelia is still in the bathroom.

"I'm so sorry love" Scott says and I can almost hear a hint of his english accent that he hasn't spoken in since his mom died.

he definitely hadn't gotten it from his completely American, asshole of a father.

you can only hear his accent when hes hurt, being vulnerable or sorry, so I give in.

"I'm sorry, I was being stupid" a look of releif washes over his face but then is taken by a look of anger, probably because I called myself stupid.

"you werent being stupid, I was and I am so sorry" I smile at his words and reasurre him that he was right, because he was.

I just got ticked off by seeing Avery.

the worst thing is Avery has never done anything to me, she's never been anything but a good half-sister.

she was never that much younger then me and we are in the same grade because of when my birthday is, and she's always tried to be close with me.

she even used to reffer to me as her sister, but I refused to call her anything but her name, and that set a roadblock in our relationship as siblings and eventually, turned us into strangers.

I snap out of my thoughts by the feeling of Scott's arms wrapping around me.

I hug him and look up at his face, hes looking down at me with those eyes.

his deep chocolate brown eyes that make my heart melt, he smiles and whispers,

"back inside?" I smile back, "back inside".

when we get back to our booth Avery is gone and Amelia is back from the bathroom and sitting crosslegged in the booth.

she is now sitting across from Brandon rather then next to him which makes me wonder if they got into a fight while we were gone.

I slide into the seat next to Amelia and she turns her atention onto me while not even sparing a glance for the two boys.

they definetly are fighting.

our food comes and Avery is the one to bring it to us, I don't make conversation with her and I can see it hurts her feelings, but shes tough, she'll get over it.

at least that's what I try to convince myself throughout my eating and the entire drive back to Scott's place,

and it still is faintly on my mind when Scott is showing Amelia and Brandon their room.

"this one's yours" Scott says pointing to a room at the end of the hall,

it looks like it's never been touched, it's probably the guest bedroom.

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