part five

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"take me into your loving arms"
- Ed Sheeran

the summer was taken over by us, we did everything.

even with Scott's father arriving and setting a roadblock in our summer with him dating a girl Scott's age.

he spiraled for a few days and I ended up taking the two of us on a three day long roadtrip, we just drove.

anywhere and everywhere.

we both went and toured ECSU and I made the descision to go there for college in a little bit over a year.

at the end of june Scott suprised me with two tickets to France for the two of us, they were for December so we started planning and picking out a hotel even though the trip was still months away.

me, Scott, Brandon and Amelia all got summer jobs together at a new theme park that just opened, which also meant we got to go on the rides for free.

on the fourth of july the four of us threw a party, it was at Amelia's house since her mom got up and left to Florida for the weekend, she was never the same after Amelia's older sister passed.

in the art of starting over back in conenticut, I invited Avery and Libby to the party, they came and within a week we were all on a regular talking basis.

when mine and Scotts two year aniversary of officaly being a couple came up, on july 21st, Amelia suprised the four of us with a beach day which we all gratefully took, and that night Scott took me to the park and set up a picnic for us, Amelia and Brandon even dropped off a cake for us and watched as we blew out the candles.

and like the flames they were soon gone leaving me and Scott to watch the stars until we fell asleep.

august slipped away into a moment of time.

in a spur of the moment me and Brandon bought cruise tickets for the four of us and suprised Amelia and Scott with them a day before we had to leave.

the cruise was magical.

we met a lot of people around our age and eventually became a group, the month came to an end too fast but even once we got home the groupchat we had created was still actively being used, and it didnt stop.

and just like that it was september, and time for the boys to go to college, saying goodbye to Brandon was hard since he was going all the way to Euroupe.

we helped him pack his stuff and said goodbye as we watched him board the plane.

Amelia was silent in tears for at least a week after, but she got the color back in her face just in time for when mine would drain.

"you ready?" I ask Scott trying to keep my emotions in tact, he looks at his loaded up jeep and then to me,

"no" I try to laugh but it comes out more like a choke, a tear escapes and rolls down my cheek, he lifts his thumb up to my face and wipes the tear away.

"hey" he says looking at me in a way that makes it impossible to look anywhere else.

"its going to be okay, I will come down every weekend, I promise" he says, at that I stop my crying and realize how stupid I'm being.

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