part four

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"well I must admit it, I would marry you in an instant"
- the lumineers

the weeks between now and when Scott's dad got back were magical, Amelia got sick for the first couple of days but we all took care of her.

Brandon refused to sleep until she was well, and once she got better Brandon took a nine hour nap.

we spent the first few weeks of summer having the time of our lives, one monday morning Scott woke me up early to take me to a river where the two of us sat on the grassy shore and watched as little kids splashed eachother with water.

"someday, we are going to have a family, and we will bring our kids here"

Scott had promised me that morning, even though I only smiled up at him, I really was just not saying anything to keep my excitement in.

because truly thats what I'm looking forward to, mine and Scotts family.

on the friday after Amelia got better, the four of us went to some highschool party since me and Amelia hadnt been to one in years.

we weren't missing out on much though, somehow in the time we went away to boarding school, the parties had gotten even worse then they already were.

although maybe they were always this bad, and we couldnt tell cause we were only middle schoolers tagging along with Amelia's older sister.

she passed away the summer before highschool and was one of the reasons Amelia went with me to Avalon Academy.

we were both young and greiving the loss of a loved one.

the party was full of drinking and drugs, but since none of us do any of that we left early and ended up going back home to watch a movie.

and one time we even found a cliff that lands into a lake, and we all went jumping off of it.

that was probably my favorite day, we spent all of it just jumping and swimming, we also had a little picnic on the rock where Brandon accidently kicked the basket of food into the lake and we all had to jump in after it.

Scott brought it back to me and we all laughed when he decided to take a bite of the soaking wet sandwhich so I wouldn't feel bad about the food being wasted.

he carried me to the car and wrapped me up into his lettermen (he was team captian on the LaCross team) we all drove home cold and shivering but still with highspirits and laughing at all of Brandons stupid jokes that nobody but Amelia got.

and every single night the four of us would lay on the roof and watch the stars for hours.

until I would fall asleep and Scott would carry me down from the roof, which caused Scott to fall but he protected me and took the fall damage.

just a sprained wrist but I still have felt bad since, Amelia showed me the video later because she was secretly recording the sweet gesture of him carrying me down, and we all laughed when the video caught Brandon audibly cussing once Scott had fallen.

but we still went up every night after that, nothing could stop us.

but now its the morning that Amelia and Brandon are leaving, Scott's father is going to be here at 11:30pm tonight so we planned the whole day as a goodbye to the two.

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