part fourteen

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"to live for the hope of it all"
- taylor swift

(time skip)  June 12th

it's crazy to think a year ago I was living with Scott, having the best summer ever.

the difference between how I was then, and how I am now, is huge.

I was happy and free, my future was clear, go to college, marry Scott, have a family together.

the universe apparently didn't like the idea of that, so now I am lost and broken, holding onto fragments of memories.

my future is blurry and I don't know what the hell I am supossed to do or who I am supossed to be.

I won't end up marrying Scott, we didn't make it that far.

he proposed, I said yes, that night before the accident, I saw myself marrying him, I knew it was happening.

but it didn't, and not a single soul even fucking knows we were engaged, I cant bring myself to tell anyone, not even Amelia.

me and Scott were supossed to tell everyone together so how the hell am I supossed to do it alone.

in a few months it'll have been a year since he proposed, a year since his birthday, a year since his death.

suprisingly, Hawthorne House has been good for me.

Amelia and Brandon are living here permanently, the four of us were always family, and now without Scott, its just us three, we cant seperate, we have to stay strong, together.

Avery and Jameson FINNALLY put a cap on it and confirmed their relationship a few months back.

I've gotten close with Xander, Rebecca and Thea.

everything is going perfectly.

thats what I thought at least, but now its a tuesday afternoon and I am laying on my bed staring at the envelope in my hands.

Tobias Hawthorne left me a letter, Alisa gave it to me this morning, said she was told to give it to me on this exact date.

when I first got here I would have freaked out that he had known who I was, but not anymore.

I didn't help solve the mystery, but I heard bits and pieces, and Avery gave me the postcards that toby had written on to our mom, I had read them and I remember being impressed that she managed to pull of having a fake identity, but what I hold in my hands is leaving me in more shock then everything that went down months ago did.

I finally give in a peel the envelope open, inside is a delicate letter, firm paper with gold lining.

my eyes trace over my name at the beggining, in Tobias Hawthornes cursive scrawl, and I begin to read.


I told Ms. Alisa Ortega to give this letter to a certain Malia Grambs if she ever stumbled across one, and I said if she didn't, give it to someone who was close with her, so I really do not know who is reading this letter, but I am going to assume its you Malia, even though it's a very small chance that you are not dead. you must know about this game I created for the boys and your sister to solve, I spent so much time gathering information on your sister that I also learned many interesting things about you along the way. from what I have gathered, your mother fell in love with my boy, but they did not last, and for what reason? I am not sure, but she ended up under a new identity, with you as a daughter. I found traces of people whom knew who she originally was, I do not know who yet, I am still working on figuring it out as I write this, but if your reading this I am dead, and I did not find out who it was that knew your mothers identity, but this person really must have hated her, because they took it out on you, I found traces of a hitman that was hired to kill you, make it seem like a hit and run, and to never be caught, if they suceeded then you are dead, and whomever is reading this, I may or may not know, but if your still alive, which I really do hope you are, then you must have been one lucky girl to miss death itself. I am not a good person, I never have been and never will be, for if I was, I would've reached out to you, warned you about the attack, but you did not know of me, you would think I was crazy, and I truly don't care enough to try and convince a young girl that I am not sick in the head. if you did survive this however, I do feel you would like to know who tried to kill you, I have a box under a floorboard in my study, find it, there is little evidence and hints of who might have ordered the kill, if you are not alive, then to whoever reading this, I am sorry, but I am not the one who should be apologizing, it should be the man or woman who ordered the kill in the first place, revenge is sweet, so Malia, or Malias loved one, take revenge.

the letter falls from my hand and onto the bed, a tear rolls down my cheek as the words Tobias Hawthorne wrote, repeat itself in my head.

Scott is dead, because of me.

what the fuck.

I hate this chapter but wtv, love you all hope you enjoy (updates will be slower cause I am also working on mirrorball but probs wont release it till I'm done with this book)

have you ever been to a concert and if so who?

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