part thirteen

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"look at the stars, look how they shine for you"
- coldplay

the sky is cloudy and dark, but one star manages to break through the light, I like to think it's Scott.

Oren is landing the helicopter and I am collecting myself, I am pretty sure I have tear streaks on my cheeks, but nobody noticed me crying, I am a soft cryer, a secretive one, no emotion shows, just tears.

by the time I am off the helicopter there is no tears left, my heart feels light, almost like a weight has been lifted off me.

maybe all I really needed was to see Scott in the sky, to know he is shining, bright as ever.

Avery and Jamesons hands are intertwined as Grayson watches them boredly.

I laugh amused at thier display of affection, "I am heading to bed" I mumble.

none of them really hear me however, they are all to entranced in the mystery.

I could never imagine myself having to solve a mystery, I scoff at the thought of it.

I wander from outside to inside, from the halls to the kitchen, and I stop short at the sight of a cake on the counter.

I go up and look at it to find a name written in frosting.


bewildered I look around to see who did this, my eyes land on two people grinning from ear to ear.

Brandon and Amelia.

tears prick at the corners of my eyes as I run into their arms.

"thank you" I say, and I don't have to elaborate, they undertstand.

I needed this, some reminder that Scott did exist, I love it here at hawthorne house, but these people I don't know, nobody has been there to celebrate his life with me, I cried for him, I cried so much, and I am done crying.

I just wanted to acknowledge him, and remember him, and let go of the pain, not let go of him, I don't think I can ever truly let go of him.

Avery has been so caught up in the mystery that it's been just me, and the ghost of the boy I love.

"sadly we cannot take all of the credit" Brandon says sighing dramatically.

"Libby was the one who made the cake!" Amelia says, I smile at them as the realizization that they're really here hits me.

"Oh gosh, I wish you guys could stay here forever" I say as we all take seats at the counter,

Amelia bites back a smile, but Brandon can't fight it.

"I dropped out of school" he says, I can't help but let my jaw drop.

"your kidding" I say, Brandons parents have wanted him in London for school since forever.

he just shakes his head as the ghost of a smile lingers on his lips,

"good for you" I say smiling, Amelia finally stops fighting back her grin.

"we are moving here Mal" she says, I drop the fork which I had picked up, and I feel like crying all over again.

"YOUR KIDDING" I say again, but louder.

Brandon knods his head towards the doorway which has an insanely large amount of luggage.

they packed up their life to come live with me.

"you guys-" I say but am cut off by Nash grabbing their bags, there are so many I think he is going to only take half of it.

but he manages to grab all their bags and suitcases and heads towards the staircase.

"Damn" Amelia says still looking at Nash, "he is strong and hot" Brandon scowls beside her and I laugh at his jealousy.

but his arm still remains on the small of Amelias back, cuties.

"shall we?" I ask gesturing to the cake, they both nod as Brandon hands me candles and a lighter.

I carefully place them on the cake and light them up quickly.

Brandon and Amelia nod at me and watch as I take in a deep breath.

and then I blow out the candles, and that night as I lay in bed, looking out my window.

I am talking to the stars, a star, my star.

okay so this is very random, but I am sort of changing the theme, there are some clues of what's going to happen hidden in this chapter. the next chapter is gonna be a HUGE time jump, the rest of the book will take place in the summer after Ave solves the Hawthorne legacy and before the final gambit begins. ALSO can we talk about how cute Brandon and Amelia are? like goallsss, but I still miss Scott and her :(

whats your favorite movie?

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