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Rage and anguish like never before consumes every part of my being as I listen to Alex relay everything she went through in order to take care of our baby. She has suffered so much and I wasn't there to help her. I wasn't there because I was an idiot and was scared to tell her the true depths of my feelings. If I would have manned up back then she would have never left my side and we would have been a family from the very beginning.

So many little things ended up affecting our outcomes in life from back then. If she would have just confronted me about what she overheard back then I could have set everything straight and it would have been good. Instead she bolted in the middle of the night. I'm going to spank the hell out of her little ass as soon as I can in punishment for that. I also blame myself for how things turned out too, though. If I would have simply confessed how deep my feelings for her were back then all of it could have been avoided. I should have never held myself back. I should have allowed the caveman part of my brain to take control. I make a silent vow to myself right now to not make that mistake again. I'm going to make sure my feelings are known. I'll never risk losing her again. With that thought in my head, I tighten my hold on her hand and force her to look at me. I'm starting now.

"We're getting back everything we lost. William is mine. You are mine." Her pupils dilate and her breath hitches. Fuck yeah, I still affect her.

"W-what?" She stutters out as a blush stains her cheeks.

I put my mouth near her ear so I don't have to talk too loudly. "I spent two fucking years traveling all around Georgia searching for you. I drove myself mad trying to find you again. I missed you every fucking day, and now you're here. I finally have you back, and I will never let you go again." Her breathing speeds up and I can see her pulse jumping rapidly in her neck. Her eyes drop to my mouth, and just like that, she's mine.

I dominate her mouth as our lips connect. I lick her bottom lip and her mouth parts on a gasp, allowing me to slip my tongue past her lips and tangle with hers. I gently bite down on her bottom lip, making her moan. She pulls back slightly allowing me to see the unfiltered desire in her eyes. I fist her hair, forcing her head to the side and tilting mine the other. I missed the taste of her on my lips; I forgot how fucking consuming she was. How could I have forgotten? I pull back so we can catch our breath and lay my forehead against hers.

"You're going to love me again, even if it's the last thing I ever do." I confess.

"Wilder." The breathy way she says my name nearly causes me to lose control, but I can't, not here. I kiss her one more time before getting up and going over to our son to play with him.

After William tuckered himself out at the park he quickly passed out in the truck. I hold his sleeping form in my arms as I walk Alex to her apartment door above the diner, hating every step we take because I know they won't be coming home with me tonight.

She has barely uttered more than a few words since my declaration in the park, which is fine, I know she needs time to come to terms with everything. I just hope she gets there overnight because tonight is the last night she sleeps away from me. I have a plan that I know she's going to fight me over, but she doesn't have a choice but to get over it.

My son and my woman are going to be living with me in our home and that's final. She's never going to struggle again, I'll make sure of it.

Walking into the tiny apartment I see it's just as bare as the last time I was up here fixing a leaky pipe for Ann when no one was living here. Makes sense since her and William's things got destroyed in a fire back in Georgia.

There's a tiny kitchen with a breakfast table, a small living room with a love seat in front of an old t.v. when you first walk in, a bathroom off to the right, and a single bedroom next to the bathroom. She directs me to the bedroom to lay William down on the twin sized bed. There's not even a nightstand in here. I'm surprised the bed has covers, to be honest. There's no way they can both fit in this one bed.

"Where do you sleep?" I ask once we walk out of the bedroom.

"I usually sleep on the loveseat. William needs more room to sleep because he likes to sprawl out." She says it with a smile on her face like it's no big deal. I look over at the loveseat and take in just how tiny it is. She's a tiny woman, but still, there's no way she can stretch out on that thing. She would have to sleep in the fetal position just to lay down.

I picture her sleeping there and my chest feels tight. Not only does she sacrifice her own comfort for our boy, but she does it with a smile on her face. "You're a great mother, Goldie." I tell her sincerely. I've watched the way she interacts with him all day, and she looks at him with love and patience. She looks at him the same way I remember my mother looking at me and my brothers. I'm so fucking lucky that this woman is the mother of my child.

"Thank you." She looks at me with nothing but gratitude, letting me know that my words truly mean a lot to her. She's been so alone all these years, I bet she hasn't heard how great of a mother she is very often. I'll make sure to remind her often.

"I mean it, Goldie. Things are a little complicated between us right now, but I'm so fucking honored that you're my boy's mother."

"Wilder." Fuck, I'll never get tired of hearing her say my name. I step closer to her and kiss her forehead, watching her eyes close, before forcing myself to step away and towards the door.

"I'm leaving you to relax the rest of the day. I have some things to take care of, but tomorrow I'm picking you both up in the morning around eight and we're spending the day together." I'm being as vague as possible so she doesn't freak out. I know I've already put a lot on her today. "I'm giving you some time to think about everything I said, but just know that I'm all in, Goldie. I meant every word. Start getting used to the idea of being mine again, being mine fully, because this is happening." I motion between her and myself. I see her start to speak, probably to deny it, but I don't let her. I nod my head in a yes, then I walk out the door.

I get back in my truck and my gaze connects with my brother's. River is sitting in his truck and he gives me a thumbs up, letting me know he set up the camera on the outside near her front door. I'm not taking any chances that she'll run again. I pull out my phone and open the app that's connected to the camera and see that it's working properly. I don't think she'll run again, for William's sake, but I would be a fool not to be cautious.

I dial my oldest brother, Nash, on my phone and he picks up after the third ring. "Hello?" I can hear my newborn niece cooing in the background and it makes me think about what William was like as a baby. "You there, Wilder?" Nash's voice brings me out of my thoughts.

"You and Alice up for a shopping trip?" He's silent for a moment, no doubt wondering if I've lost my mind, but I hear him telling his wife, Alice, that I need them. My brother knows me well, so he knows me calling about going shopping must be a bigger deal than it sounds.

"We'll meet you at Target in an hour."

"Thanks, big brother."

"I'm always here for you, shithead. Just be ready to explain everything later." I smile at his gruff endearment.

"I will." I tell him, and we hang up.

Now to go figure out what kind of things a small child needs. Kids are tiny humans, so it shouldn't take too long. Right?

Keeping Her 18+ (Her Series book three)Where stories live. Discover now