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I left Alex to sleep in while I cooked breakfast for William once I heard him wake up on the monitor. I woke her up around two a.m, like an asshole, because I couldn't go another moment without feeling her wrapped around my cock. I figured the least I could do is let her sleep in because of it. Plus, once she wakes up and figures out what I've done I know I'm going to have a fight on my hands. Hopefully, one ending with her impaled on my cock while I fuck the hesitancy out of her.

She told me she loved me, and I could see her walls coming down when she did, but I know she's stubborn as fuck and is still cautious about being all in.

All in for me means a ring on her finger, moving in, and a sibling for William in her belly. I took the liberty of doing two of those already, the last one very well might be happening too, depending on if she's on any kind of contraceptive or not. There's no way in fuck I'm wearing a condom with her, I need to feel every inch of her, skin to skin.

I hear a knock on the front door after I finish getting William dressed for the day. Two seconds later Levi and Mia walk in.

"Morning little brother and little dude." Levi says with a shit-eating grin on his face, knowing why I called him to come get William for a few hours.

"Good morning, guys." Mia chirps, oblivious to my ulterior motive but happy nonetheless to spend some time with William, no doubt to get familiar with being around kids since I know Levi is on a mission to get her pregnant.

"Hi." William says with a big smile once he sees Mia holding a piece of pie in her hands for him. She's going to be a good mom, something Levi knows by the soft look on his face as he watches her hug William.

"Do you want to spend the day with Uncle Levi and Aunt Mia, William?" I ask my son. He doesn't take his eyes off the pie as he nods his head.

"It's just for a few hours. Gives me enough time to spend with Alex and get some things settled." I tell them.

"Take all the time you need." Levi winks at me.

"Is she okay?" Mia asks with concern in her voice. I smile reassuringly at her.

"She's fine. She's sleeping in this morning but a lot has happened in the last few days."

"Okay, well tell her she can call me if she needs someone to talk to. Alice and I are here for her. And you know we don't mind taking William with us anytime you guys need a break."

"You're so fucking sweet, Precious." Levi kisses the side of her head as she sets the pie down for William. He wastes no time digging right in.

"Try to limit the sweets you give him today, please." I narrow my eyes at my brother, already knowing he's the one of the bunch that's likely to spoil his niece and nephew in an attempt to be the 'favorite uncle'. Some stupid competition him and River started when Alice was pregnant with Olivia.

He gives me a shit-eating grin before getting William's attention. "Hey, bud. Do you want to take a ride in a police cruiser?" He whispers loudly adding, "You can turn the sirens on and talk to Debbie at dispatch from the walkie talkie." Mia rolls her eyes even as she smiles. Levi is the town's sheriff and isn't above using that to his advantage at becoming the favorite with whatever kids join the family.

"Weally?" William shrieks in excitement.


"Can I's go fast?" Oh boy.

"I tell you what, you can drive the car if you sit in my lap." Levi tells him. I'm going to kill him.

"Levi." I warn, but he just smirks at me.

"We won't leave the property and I'll make sure we go slow." He rolls his eyes like I'm an idiot for thinking he would put my son in danger. "Uncle River doesn't have anything as cool as a police cruiser. He just has smelly old animals at his vet clinic." He scrunches his nose in distaste as he tells William how uncool uncle River is.

"Can I's go now?" William jumps down from his chair in his excitement, bouncing on his toes, and leaving most of the pie untouched.

"Come on children, let's go." Mia laughs as they leave. William turns back before making it out the door and waves at me.

"Bye daddy. Love you!" Fuck, my heart.

"Love you too, little man." I choke out.

It takes a full minute after they've left before I can move from the spot I was standing at. Once I get my emotions under control, I clean up the kitchen and walk into mine and Alex's bedroom.

She's still sleeping soundly, with her mouth hanging open, her hair a wild mess around her head, and one arm thrown across her eyes. She's so fucking pretty. I sit in my chair in the corner of the room and just watch her, waiting for the moment she wakes up so we can get this show on the road.

Keeping Her 18+ (Her Series book three)Where stories live. Discover now