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I wait until she's deep in sleep before gently moving her body to where she's laying down on the couch. After kissing her on the forehead, I go check in on William. He's rubbing his eyes as he watches some show about robotic rescue cars on his t.v while lying in bed.

"Hey, little man. It's time for bed." I'm just going to skip making him get a bath tonight. He can miss one night, besides he didn't do anything to get too dirty. Plus, if I'm honest, I have no clue how to bathe a kid and I don't want to wake Alex up right now to ask her how to do it.

"Kay, daddy." He says groggily. I'll never get enough of hearing him call me daddy. Every time he says it, something in my chest swells up in pride.

I help him get dressed in a pair of pajamas I covertly had packed up from their apartment, then tuck him into bed with a kiss to his cheek. I plug in the night light and turn the overhead light off before going out the door. He's asleep before the door even closes.

I go around the house and turn off all the lights while making sure everything is locked up tight. I gently pick Alex up off the couch and hold her in my arms bridal style before walking us into our room. She must be even more exhausted than I thought, because she doesn't so much as twitch in her sleep while I lay her down on the bed and remove her pants so she can be more comfortable.

I want to remove all of her clothes, but I'm betting she would probably be opposed to waking up naked in a new bed. I'll save that for later.

After setting the video baby monitor on my side table to hear if William wakes up scared in the middle of the night from being in a new place, I strip down to my boxers and then climb under the covers with her. As soon as I wrap my arm around her, she scoots closer and snuggles up to me with her face in my armpit, sighing contentedly in her sleep when she does. The same thing she used to do every night the summer we met.

I hold her reverently as I whisper in her ear how much I love her and how amazing she is while watching her sleep. I know I look like a fucking creeper right now, but I don't care. I never thought I would have this again and here she is, in my bed wrapped tightly around me while our son sleeps in his own room. I don't mind being a creeper as long as I'm her creeper. 

Keeping Her 18+ (Her Series book three)Where stories live. Discover now