Wilder, Epilogue, 6 months later

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"What the fuck is up with you, River?" I ask my brother after we all ate family dinner and came outside to check on some of the new cattle we got in.

He's been a moody fucker lately, which is out of character for him. River has always been the goofy, laid back brother, but lately he's been grumpy and scowling at every damn thing. It's like we've switched places.

"Yeah, you've been a pissy son of a bitch lately. Not even Mia has been able to pull a smile from you." Levi says, looking almost annoyed about it.

"I found her." He admits after a long pause. I nearly spit my beer out.

"Holy shit, brother. Congratulations." I slap him on the back but he just frowns at me. "What's wrong? Is she married or some shit?"

"Worse." Is all he says.

"What can be worse than that?" Colt asks. Other than her being dead, but I'm pretty sure if she was dead he would be sad instead of pissed off.

"I fucked up. I royally fucked up and I don't know how to fix it."

"What did you do? It can't be that bad. It's your woman, she was made for you." Nash says. River blows out a breath before looking around to make sure none of the women can hear.

"I went to that club in the city with some old buddies of mine." He closes his eyes and exhales before continuing. "There was this chick all over me, she was hot so we took things to the bathroom for some privacy." He rubs the back of his neck, almost pained at the idea of talking about it.

"Spit it out, River." Nash grunts.

"The chick was on her knees with my cock in her mouth when the door flew open, and there she was, my woman, looking like a fucking prayer come to life."

"Holy shit, dude. What did you do?" Colt asks with a grin on his face.

"I pushed the chick with my cock in her mouth away and made her fall on her ass, then I stumbled forward trying to get to my woman. My cock was still out and my jeans were around my fucking ankles. I tripped and face planted right into her glorious tits in the process. She screamed and pushed me away before hauling ass out of there."

We all just stand here open mouthed and shocked before Colt breaks the silence with a deep belly laugh. Soon we all join him, cracking up as tears roll down our faces from how hard we're laughing. Jesus, leave it to River to have something like that happen to him.

"It gets worse." He says, scowling at us for finding humor in his pain.

"How the fuck does it get worse than chasing her with your dick out and motorboating her tits?" Levi howls.

"Turns out she's the new receptionist at the animal clinic."

"God damn, River." Nash chokes out. "How does this shit always happen to you?"

"Nah, this is a good thing, brother." I say.

"How the hell is this a good thing, Wilder?" River scowls at me.

"Because now you work together. You have ample opportunity to prove yourself to her and make her yours." I spell it out for him.

"She barely even looks at me, let alone talks unless it's about a client. How am I supposed to make her mine?"

"That's for you to figure out." I smirk at him.

"She's yours, River. You got to be willing to do whatever it takes to make her understand that." Nash levels him with a look.

"Hey, baby." Alex comes up behind me and wraps her arms around me.

"Hey, Goldie. Where's our boy at?" I rub her growing belly. "And how's our little one doing?"

"William is inside baking cookies with Mia and this little one is kicking my belly up a storm today." She giggles when I feel a strong kick under my palm.

We went to the courthouse and got married two days after I put the ring on her finger while she slept, then we filled out the necessary paperwork to change William's last name a week later.

Our lives have been a whole lot happier ever since we found our way back to each other again. Alex doesn't work herself to the bone anymore, instead she's taking online classes to finish her degree, and she's always got a sweet smile on her face.

William is blossoming being surrounded by a host of family that loves and cherishes him, and he's over the moon about having a little sibling.

When we first found out we were having another baby, Alex broke down in tears. I had to reassure her repeatedly that she wouldn't be doing this alone again. My heart broke knowing she had to go through her pregnancy with William and everything after the birth completely alone. Two days later Mia and Levi announced their pregnancy too, so Alex is happy to have a 'pregnancy sister,' as they put it. Whatever that means. I'm just happy to have my wife and children by my side.

"I love you, Goldie." I whisper in her ear as I hold her in my arms.

"I love you too, Wilder." Fuck, I'll never get enough of that.

I had everything I ever wanted in life before it slipped through my fingers in the middle of the night. Life was pure hell for a while until my happiness walked back into my life with even more to give. Now I have it all.

My Goldie.

My wife.

My son and unborn child.


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