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I can see the moment she starts to understand that she's mine. Her body relaxes as she gives in and the tension leaves her shoulders. She still has a guarded look in her eyes, but she'll learn soon that I'm not going anywhere and nothing is tearing us apart.

I have the taste of her on my tongue again and I didn't realize just how much I missed it until now.

We only had sex the one time and I ate her pussy until I wrung three orgasms from her in order for her pussy to be prepared enough to take my cock. She was a virgin back then, but she's not anymore. That knowledge makes me both happy and pissed off. Happy because it means I don't have to be gentle. I can fuck her hard and rough like I crave, something I see now she'll enjoy immensely too. And pissed off because it makes me think about who else she might have been with since me.

Her being with someone else was the first thought I had when I saw her disheveled appearance when she answered the door. The way she looks now is the same way she looked after we made love that night. Her hair is a wild mess around her angelic face and she looks exhausted.

I'm not naïve enough to believe she hasn't been with anyone else since me. She's a beautiful woman and she believed that I was just a douche who was using her for a summer fling. She had no reason to wait for me. I haven't been with anyone else since her, even when I believed I would never see her again and lost all hope. I tried, fuck, I've had women come up to me and throw themselves in my face, promising things you wouldn't see anywhere except in porn. It didn't matter though, my dick refused to get hard for anyone besides Alex. The only way my cock worked and allowed me to find release was using Mrs. Left or Mrs. Right while images of Alex were in my mind.

I don't expect the same thing from Alex, it would be wishful thinking, and I don't want to know about who all she's been with because I know if she tells me I'm going to want to hunt them down and kill them for ever thinking they had a right to touch what belongs to me. I know that makes me a dick, but I don't give a fuck. She's mine. It's that simple.

I know she wants me, wants this, I can tell by the way her body reacts to me and the way her eyes dilate every time she looks at me. She's just scared. I can work with scared, as long as she doesn't try to run. I'll get her to where she needs to be so she's all in like I am.

"Lets go wake our little man up, Goldie. We're having breakfast with my family this morning." I kiss the tip of her nose before backing up so she has room to move.

"What? Wilder, I don't–"

"We are." I interrupted her.

"What?" She asks incredulously.

"We are having breakfast with my family this morning. They want to get to know they're nephew and new sister in-law." I take her hand and pull her with me as I head towards the bedroom to wake our sleeping boy up for the day. "It's happening, Goldie." My tone leaves no room for argument.

"Fine!" She snaps, dropping my hand and moving in front of me to open the bedroom door. I just chuckle at her attitude, knowing I'm going to spank the shit out of her later if she keeps it up.

I walk into the room and see William spread out across the bed with one arm above his head and the other out to the side of him. One knee is bent while the other hangs off the side of the bed. His mouth is wide open and the covers have ended up on the floor from all of his tossing and turning if I was to guess. Alex wasn't lying when she said he was a rough sleeper. He looks adorable and all I want to do is curl up in bed beside him and watch him sleep while I stare at his perfect face. He's precious, and he's mine.

"Wake up, sleepy butt." Alex softly coos as she kisses his head to wake him up.

She's exhausted, but she still has a soft smile on her face and has an air of patience around her as she loves on him until his eyes open. She's such a good mom.

I'm a lucky fucking bastard.

Keeping Her 18+ (Her Series book three)Where stories live. Discover now