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After enjoying a much needed day off yesterday, once Wilder dropped us off at home, I tossed and turned all night on the couch.

It was more uncomfortable than usual, so trying to fall asleep was like waiting for a lottery win. I'm sure most of it was due to my mind not being able to shut off. I think I finally passed out around three in the morning from exhaustion.

There was just so much on my mind from seeing Wilder again. I don't think the shock fully wore off until it was time for bed, then my brain worked in over drive because of what he said at the park.

"We're getting back everything we lost. William is mine. you are mine." He said it without an ounce of hesitation. "You're going to love me again, even if it's the last thing I ever do." I never stopped loving him, even when I was desperate to.

I thought about his words over and over again all night long, and while it sounds like everything I've always wanted to hear from him, I know it wouldn't be smart.

Years have passed between us and we have a child together. A child that is my number one priority, and while I believe Wilder will be a great father, I don't want to risk being in a relationship with him again just for it to end badly. If that happens it would hurt William, and that's something I will never allow.

A healthy co-parenting relationship is all that can happen between us. Even if the feel of his lips against mine felt like coming home.

In a perfect world we would end up together and have a happy and healthy life, full of happiness and fulfillment, but I learned long ago that the world is far from perfect and there's no use in getting your hopes up.

I'm woken up from a fitful sleep when I hear knocking coming from the apartment door. I groggily sit up and rub my still tired eyes as I check my phone for the time. It's just after five in the morning, way too early for anyone to be at the door.

I see my reflection in my phone's screen when it goes black, and cringe at my appearance. My hair is wild, sticking up all around my head and eyes look even more tired than usual.

I jolt when I hear knocking again, reminding me I need to answer the door. I check to make sure I'm dressed and stand up once I see I'm wearing a thin white cami and my pink striped pajama shorts. My clothes are a little twisted up and wrinkled from all the tossing and turning I did last night, but at least I'm covered.

I unlock the chain on the door and pull it open enough to see who it is.

"Morning, Goldie." Wilder greets me, making my eyes widen at seeing him here so early.

"Wh-what are you doing here, Wilder? It's barely after five." I have to clear my throat because it's so dry.

He pushes the door open further and walks past me inside before turning around and scanning his eyes up and down my body, causing my nipples to harden at his attention. I cross my arms to hide how he affects me, but he's too busy looking at my wild hair with narrow eyes to notice.

"Who the fuck has been here, Goldie?" He growls, stepping towards me and making me back up until my back is flush with the wall.

"Huh?" I furrow my brows in confusion. Why does he think someone else is here?

"Who. Else. Was. Here?" He says each word through clenched teeth in a dangerous tone that causes chills to spread across my flesh. "And how did they get in without me seeing?" Has he lost his mind?

"No one. It's just me and William. What is wrong with you?" Either he's lost his mind or my sleep deprivation is scrambling my brain because I'm beyond lost about what's happening right now.

"Why is your hair all over the place and your clothes messed up? You look like you've been thoroughly fucked." I gasp at his crudeness, before anger sets in.

"I have not been...having sex!" I whisper shout so I don't wake William up. "I couldn't sleep last night so I tossed and turned. Not that it's any of your business." I poke his hard chest with my finger at the last part. Just who does he think he is? I can tell instantly that was the wrong thing to say.

"None of my business?" He grabs both my wrists and pins them to the wall above my head. "Everything about you is my business, Goldie." My pulse is erratic and my core clenches at the look in his eyes and the feel of him touching me. This is bad, so bad.

"No, it's not, Wilder." I swallow and turn my chin up in determination before continuing. "We can't be together. I've thought a lot about what you said, but William is my priority, so I can't complicate mine and his life anymore than it already is." I exhale a breath after finally getting that off my chest, doing my best to ignore the sick feeling those words cause as I say them. It's for the best, even if I can feel my heart breaking.

I expect sadness or even anger at my words. So the cocky smirk he shoots me has my eyes narrowing in confusion.

"Your nipples are hard, your pulse is racing, and I'm willing to bet your pussy is fucking soaked right now, Goldie." He leans in and runs his nose along my neck, lightly kissing my pulse, before looking me in my eyes again. "You are mine. You've always been mine, and I dare you or any other motherfucker to say otherwise."

He slowly slides his free hand up my inner thigh, causing wetness to pool in my center, even as I try to make the words to stop him come out of my mouth. I'm speechless, utterly speechless, and I don't know if I hate it or love it.

His fingers breach the inside leg of my shorts until I feel them brushing against my panties. He gives me time to say no, but the words just won't come.

He toys with the edges of my panties, not giving me what my body demands, even though I know he can feel the heat pouring from me. "I've only had this pussy once, Goldie. Let's see if it still remembers my touch."

He pushes my panties to the side and a blunt fingertip runs along my sex before roughly thrusting into me, making me bite my bottom lip to keep from moaning. "So fucking tight, baby." He groans as his eyes close like he's the one receiving pleasure.

His knee moves between my thighs until they're spread wide open, giving him more access to my aching core. He removes his finger only to add another one back with it. He fills me again and again until I'm a whimpering, needy mess.

He curls his fingers until he touches the spot inside me that makes my eyes roll back and my toes to curl. I can hear how wet I am, but I don't have the mental capacity to be embarrassed right now.

"Only I can make this pussy sing for me like this." He thrusts his fingers harder, making the wet sound more pronounced in the space between us. "I want you to come, Goldie, and when you do that means you're mine. You're not taking this away from me again, I won't let you." I feel an orgasm fast approaching and I do everything I can to hold off, but he's playing my body like he knows it better than I do.

I can feel my wetness gushing out of me onto his hand as my core clenches around his brutal fingers. "That's it, Goldie. Come for me. Come all over my fucking hand." He snarls before smashing his lips to mine right as I come, swallowing my scream as he dominates my very soul.

"God damn perfect, Goldie. You're fucking perfect." He smiles sweetly at me as he rests his forehead against mine, while I'm a panting, shaking mess.

He slowly removes his fingers from me, bringing them up between us and looking me in the eyes as he sucks his fingers into his mouth and licks my arousal off them.

In this moment, I know I'm his. There is no denying it. My brain and my heart fight with each other on what I should do, but I know Wilder won't have this any other way, and I don't think I want him too either. I just hope it doesn't blow up in my face and ruin everything.

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