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I stretch my arms above my head and let out an embarrassing mewl. I haven't felt this rested in a very long time. I yawn as I blink my eyes open and smile to myself when I feel the delicious ache between my legs.

Last night, or this morning? Whenever it was, Wilder blew my mind. I didn't think anything could top our first time together, but this last time has taken the number one spot, hands down.

Watching Wilder's face turn to pure want and desire as he filled me with his cock over and over again is something I'll never be able to forget. I also saw a new side to myself as well. The rougher he got, the more I loved it. It was so carnal and debauched, everything I didn't know I needed.

Wilder has truly ruined me for anyone else.

I sit up in bed and pull the sheet up to cover my naked chest when I spot Wilder sitting in a chair by the window. I smile lazily at him and he gives me one in return.

"What are you doing over there?"

"Watching you." Is his simple reply. I bite my bottom lip when I feel my cheeks heat.

"Why were you watching me? What time is it?" I ask the last part when I notice how bright it is outside.

"It's just after nine." He stands up and slowly walks towards me. My eyes have a mind of their own as they scan his naked chests, noting all the hard lines and intricate tattoos. This man, my man, is a work of art.

"Keep looking at me like that, Goldie, and I'll spread those pretty legs of yours and feast on that delicious cunt."

"Jesus." I breathe out. His filthy mouth never ceases to shock me, even as they amp up my arousal. "Wait, it's after nine? William needs to get up or he'll never sleep tonight."

"Shh. Calm down, baby. He's been up. He ate breakfast and then he went to spend some time with Levi and Mia."

"What? Why didn't you come wake me?" I'm nervous about him being with people I don't know, but I have to start trusting more. Wilder would never allow him to go with people that can't watch him. It doesn't mean I shouldn't have been included in the plans though.

"I wanted to let you sleep in. He's fine, Goldie, I promise. He's probably going to be spoiled rotten," He grins. "But he will be well looked after."

"I know, and you're right. It's just..."

"You're his momma and you're protective." He kisses my forehead and gives me a knowing smile. "I get it, but I would never let anyone I didn't trust look after him."

"Okay, you're right. Trust, right?" I'm trying my best.

"Trust, Goldie." He nods his head and backs up so I can stand.

I wrap the sheet around me the best I can so I can cover myself, something he finds wildly amusing by the grin on his face. I walk towards the master bathroom but once I get close to the door the sheet is tipped away from my body.

"Wilder!" I screech, turning abruptly to face him with a scowl on my face which is underwhelming by how I use my hands to cover my breasts and cross my legs to hide myself.

"Goldie, I've had my lips, tongue, and cock on just about every inch of your beautiful body. Kinda pointless to hide it from me now, don't you think?" He smirks at me, making the dimple in his right cheek pop out. Stupid, sexy, infuriating man.

I hold my head up and narrow my eyes while letting out an annoyed huff before scrambling into the bathroom to take care of business. I look at myself in the mirror and notice the wide smile on my face. I'm happy. Truly happy. Happier than I thought I could ever be.

Keeping Her 18+ (Her Series book three)Where stories live. Discover now