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I feel the moment she gives in. Her body loses tension and I can finally relax. She can fight me all she wants but I'll always be here to reign her in and pull her back. I'll get us to where we need to be.

"Okay." She says the words and gives in, fucking finally.

"That's good, Goldie. That was your only choice." She scoffs, and I grin when some of that fire comes back. I choose to give us what we both need right now after the emotionally charged moment between us.

I pull my hips back before thrusting into her again, hard, making her moan and clench around me. "Mine." I whisper as I kiss her, pushing my tongue into her mouth as my cock keeps up the steady pace.

I release her mouth so I can watch her face as I fuck her. I want to see everything I'm doing to her, every expression, every gasp. Her eyes are liquid fire, her lips swollen from my kisses, and her tight as fuck pussy is soaking wet. She's absolutely fucking perfect.

I lift her hips with my hands, making her back arch and opening her up more for me. This angle makes me go impossibly deeper and she moans wantonly at the sensation. I have to grit my teeth and chant the ABC's in my head to keep from coming so soon with the way her snug pussy is strangling my cock.

I bend forward and kiss her neck then I roll my hips at an angle that I know hits her g-spot by the way she clenches and mewls.

"Oh, God." Her eyes fall shut, and she tries to move her hips back to meet my thrusts, but I don't let her. Instead, I speed up and pound into her.

"God's got nothing to do with it, Goldie. It's all me. Your man." I speed up as one of my hands circles her waist so my fingers can play with her clit. "Scream my fucking name when you come all over my cock."

"I'm close."

"I know, Goldie. Come for me, come on my cock and let me own you." I coax, speeding up my fingers on her clit while my thrusts fuck into her in a bruising pace. Her ass jiggles with every thrust and my eyes nearly cross at how fucking erotic she looks like this. I feel my balls tighten up and the tell tell tingle in my spine lets me know I'm close. I let go of her hip and bring my palm down hard on her ass. That's all it takes to push her over the edge.

"Wilder!" She screams, and it's music to my fucking ears.

"Fuck, Alex. So good, so. Fucking. Good." I groan into her neck as I empty inside her.

After we catch our breaths, I roll her over and pull her into my arms. I grab her hand with the ring on it and kiss it before placing it on my chest over my heart.

"When did you get this?" She asks.

"I bought it two days after you disappeared on me. I was planning on proposing when I found you again." I squeeze her hand and kiss her forehead. "It took a little longer, but I eventually found you." She snuggles up closer to me until her face is in my armpit. "And now I get to keep you."

"And I get to keep you too." She whispers with a serene smile.

"Always, Goldie. Always."

Keeping Her 18+ (Her Series book three)Where stories live. Discover now