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"Fuck, Goldie. This pussy is so pretty." A voice says with a deep groan.

Goosebumps break out across my flesh as hands rub up the inside of my thighs, spreading them apart. I can feel the warm air blowing across my pussy, making me clench around nothing as arousal pools there.

This is the most erotically vivid dream I've ever had and I hope I don't wake up before it gets to the good part. Just like all of my sexual dreams, it's Wilder's voice bringing me pleasure. I don't know if it's because he's the only man I've ever been intimate with, or if it's because he's the hottest man I've ever seen. Either way, it's only ever him. Being a single mom meant I didn't have time for romance or hooking up. Plus, any time I even thought about trying to date Wilder was always at the forefront of my mind. No one could ever compare. No one ever set my soul on fire the way he did.

"Stay nice and still while I eat my breakfast, Goldie. I'm fucking starving for it, baby." Dream Wilder purrs before I feel a warm, wet tongue lick up my slit.

I moan at the sensation, feeling something unfurl low in my stomach. A moment later I feel fingers part my lower lips, opening me up fully. His tongue swipes up my center again but circles around my clit when he reaches it. I try to rock my hips but his hands hold my hips down on the bed, restricting my movements.

"Be a good girl and let me play." Holy cow, he's never talked this dirty in my dreams before.

Something niggles at the back of my mind, urging me to open my eyes, but the tongue swirling around my clit gets firmer, making my mind go hazy. God, I need this.

"Wake up, Goldie. I want to see those gorgeous eyes when I make you fly." Wake up? Why would I want to wake up and end this?

I feel a thick finger swirl at my entrance while he sucks my clit into his mouth. A moment later his finger enters me in a hard thrust. My eyes shoot open when my orgasm barrels through me.

"Oh, God!" I moan as pleasurable waves crash through me, starting at my toes and pulsing through my body.

"That's it, Goldie. Give it to me." Wilder rises up until he's hovering over my prone body, his finger still working my g-spot through my orgasm. His mouth crashes down on mine and I taste myself on his tongue as it tangles with mine.

He pulls back and I flush at the mess I made on his face. My arousal is glistening around his lips, chin, and nose. He gives me a sinful grin as his finger pulls from inside me, causing me to mewl at the loss.

"You look so beautiful right now." Wilder says against my lips before lightly brushing against them. "I tried to wait, baby. But I need you to goddamn bad. I need to see you when you shatter around my cock." He kisses down my throat and chest before brushing his fingers across my wet pussy. "But first I need to see you."

He slips his hands underneath my t-shirt to lift it up but my hands shoot down to stop him. "Wait." I want this. I want this so bad, but things have changed since the last time he saw me naked.

"If you don't want this, Goldie, I'll understand. We can take all the time you need." I blow out a harsh breath because it's not that. I hate how insecure I am but I can't just let go.

"I do want this. I-I just..." I trail off, not knowing how to put it into words, but Wilder seems to read my mind.

He brushes his thumb across my cheek in a comforting manner, looking into my eyes with patience and understanding. I feel some of the tension leave my body, knowing this is Wilder, my Wilder.

"Everything about you is beautiful, baby. Let me show you." He leans down and kisses my forehead. "Give in to me and let me love you the way you deserve to be loved."

Keeping Her 18+ (Her Series book three)Where stories live. Discover now