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"I don't need you to take care of me. I don't need you, Wilder." I wince internally at how bad those words hurt me. She says it so quietly I can barely hear it, but I do.

I grab her chin and force her face up, gripping her throat a little firmer. "That hurt, Goldie." I say quietly.

She closes her eyes, so I tighten my grip until they spring back open. I would never hurt her, but I won't let her push me away.

"That's bullshit and you know it." She flinches at my words but I keep going. "You've been working nonstop since the moment you found out you were carrying our child. It's been just you and him since day one. Baby, you're struggling." Tears are falling down her cheeks now and I soften my voice. "You have done an amazing job as a mother, no one can deny that, but everything has been stacked against you since the beginning."

I wipe her tears away and look into her doll-like eyes, seeing how vulnerable she is. "I'm here now and it's time for you to rest. Let someone else handle the burdens. You can absolutely survive without my help, you've already been doing it, but now you don't have to. You might not want to admit it, Goldie, but you do need me. You just don't want to. We have each other now and You need me just like I need you."

She closes her eyes and tries to shake her head, but I squeeze her throat in warning.

"You are mine and I am yours."

"What if it doesn't work out between us, Wilder? Where does that leave me?"

My heart breaks at her words. My poor baby has abandonment issues, and I know it's something that will take time to work through, but for now all I can do is keep pushing her until she believes me when I tell her this is forever.

"This not working isn't an option, Goldie. But just to ease your mind, if for some insane reason we don't work out together, I will still always ensure you and our son are well taken care of. I'll sign a fucking contract saying so if it makes you feel better." The words taste like ash on my tongue, but the slight dropping of her shoulders made it worth it.

She nods her head letting me know I've won this battle. I press my lips to hers in a sweet kiss that soon turns into more as she opens her mouth on a soft moan, giving me the opening I need to slip my tongue inside to tangle with hers. I fist her hair so I can angle her head the way I need to deepen it further, feeling my cock grow impossibly hard at the feel of her.

I release her mouth and back away before things heat up even further, knowing we can't do anything more at the moment. She looks like a wet dream standing in front of me right now. Her pupils are blown wide and her chest is heaving as she tries to catch her breath. The desire reflected back at me makes my cock jump in my pants, not so patiently waiting until I can finally have all of her again.

"Let's have a lazy day together. Just the three of us."

"Okay." She says breathily before clearing her throat. "Okay, but William's bedtime is eight so we need to be back home early enough for a bath then bed."

"Sure." I tell her, not wanting to have another battle of wills just yet. She's already home and a part of me is anticipating the fight about it because when it happens later... it will end with my cock buried deep inside her and her fully giving in.

Keeping Her 18+ (Her Series book three)Where stories live. Discover now