what is your real name

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Boss : Noeul.?

He has Korean accent, but his name doesn't sound familiar. Are you Korean? I asked him.

Noeul : Maybe, what is it to you?


Just hearing him saying that, I don't know but he sounds so cute and same time funny to me so that made me laugh out loud..

Boss : Getting confident now, are we?

Noeul : Do you want me to talk to you or not?

Boss : If you wanna talk, let's talk. Tell me your full name.

Noeul : It's Rossi, Noeul Rossi.

Boss : why do I get the impression that you're lying to me?

Noeul : I'm not lying to you!

Boss : Oh really, then do you care to explain what that tattoo behind your ear and what you were doing in Luca's car?

Noeul : And why am I supposed to know who that is?

Boss : Oh so you wanna play this game with me, okay fine then. So considering you were in his car, yes.

Noeul : well, I don't. Now if you did kindly untie me and let me go, that would be great, Because you idiots have clearly kidnapped the wrong person.

Boss : If you're going to keep lying to my face, then we will have no use of you.

I can see that if I don't do anything then he's clearly not going to talk and give me all the information I want.

So I pulled out my gun...And the moment he saw the gun, he got scared and started shaking all of a sudden.

Noeul : W-what are you doing?

Boss : killing you obviously.

Noeul : W-why?!

Boss : Because you're lying to me.

I then pointed the gun at him
And see how his eyes widen looking at me all scared.

I told you what will happen to you if you lied to me, Noeul.

Noeul : You can't kill me, I'll tell you everything, but P-please don't do this!

Boss : Awe look at you begging for your life, I almost feel sorry for you.

Noeul : My real name is Noeul Bensonn.

Luca is my brother.

Boss : I know.

Noeul : You knew?!

Boss : Yes nobody has eyes as dark as his, but I knew you had to be a relation of his.

Noeul : Fuck you!

Boss : That can be arranged baby..I think we're done here.

When I decided to return back to my parents. Then I heard him screaming at me..

Noeul : Let me go, you can't keep me here.

Pa : what do we do now? Pa asked me.

Boss : I don't know, he's not my prisoner.

Fraca : Let's just kill him Pa.

Fort : Yes cause he's no use to us now.

Fraca : Fort is right Pa. Let just kill him.

Boss : Oh God, I can't believe I'm related to you two.

Pa : we need him alive, you morons!

Ma : How is he going to tell us anything if he's dead?

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