Promise me you will still be here.

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The next morning


I awake the next morning feeling like I've just woken up from a dream. The unforgettable memories from last night start flooding into my mind and I let them, I reminisce on how his skin felt against mine, how our fingers interlocked in the darkness and how he gasp my name under his breath.

Last night was magical, sensational, exciting and like nothing I had experienced before. Noeul surrendered himself to me in ways nobody else has. We didn't just make love to each other. We made peace, we made war, we made heaven and hell and everything in between.

It was truly extraordinary. I kiss the top of noeul's head and inhale the lightful scent of his hair. He's sleeping soundly with his body is pressed against mine and his head rested on my chest. I listen to how steady his breathing is while drawing little circles on his hip, with my fingertips.

Nothing but happiness radiates off me as I think back to how this all started. I brush his messy hair out of his eyes and kiss him gently on the forehead. I should let him rest, he definitely needs it after what we did last night....I better take a shower before noeul wakes up.



Despite feeling ecstatic after last night I can't ignore the fact that my parents are going to be home tomorrow. I have to figure something out and get noeul somewhere safe without feeling as though I've betrayed everyone.

I could easily runaway with him but my father would be furious and would kill both of us if he had the chance. I don't want noeul and I to spend the rest of our lives on the run, hiding from my psychotic family and The Cobra's.

I just want to be with him and not worry about being caught. If I can convince my father to negotiate with The Blood Roses maybe he will let him go and I won't have to risk our lives running away together. Maybe The Blood Roses could exchange our stolen cargo for noeul, at least that way he will no longer be under my fathers control.

I hope that when our parents eventually find out about us they don't freak out too much. Love is love and I can't help who I'm attracted to. I just pray that our parents can understand that.

Meanwhile at the Bensonn's Warehouse

Gang member : Good morning sir Luca.

Luca : Not now, Bella.

Gang member : Sir, someone wants to talk to-

Luca : I SAID NOT-

keira : Good morning, Mr Bensonn. Have I come at a bad time?

Luca : What the fuck are you doing here, did Boss send you?

Keira : Goodness, no. I'm finished with him and The Cobras. I want revenge and I know you do too. So why don't we work together?

Luca : How can I trust you not to betray me?

Keira : Because he has broken my heart countless times, and I want him to suffer for that.

I won't let you be happy with noeul" boss if I can't have you then no one can..

Luca : I like your enthusiasm, signorina. What is your name?

Keira : Keira stormy.

Luca : Bella can you excuse me and signorina stormy?

Gang member : Ofcourse, Sir.

Luca : Now that she's gone, come and sit with me, we have important matters to discuss. I want you to tell me everything you know about The Cobras and then we will talk about your position here at The Blood Roses.

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