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It was lunch time. Me and Simone walked in the canteen. All the tables were filled with boys, all but one in the back where the rest of the girls were sitting. We walked down the small hallway that was surrounded by boys. It felt as bad as the first walk at the school, all eyes were following us.

''Do you think Michelle is alright'' Simone asked me once we sat down.

''I'm sure she is fine'' I said.

We were both worried about our new friend. I should have gotten detention too then at least she wouldn't be alone.

''There she is'' Simone said and looked behind meI tuned around to look at her she seemed fine? I don't know.

As we were eating our lunch,Pichon walked past us and Joseph made him trip and fell on Annick

''Careful Pichon Pig!'' He exclaimed loudly

''Do you want my plate Annick?'' Pichon asked the girl. His cheeks were red and he looked nervous.

''He should give his'' said Michelle looking at Joseph

''All this fuss because of a shitty sketch? What did you tell to your uncle ''It wasn't Laubrac it was that devil Descamps who did it'''' Descamps said.

''What did you even draw?'' Simone said

''Oh you wanna see?'' he said and drew a pair o boobs on his plate with sauce. He showed us an smirked. " it's a portrait!" All the girls were looking at the plate wide eyed, the nerve of this kid...

''Don't mind him girls it's probably first time seeing a girl?'' I casually said not looking at the boy

''Believe me I've seen plenty of girls...'' he said with a smug expression.

''You're mum doesn't count'' I said back and the whole cafeteria burst into laughter. Descamps seemed embarrassed, good. I noticed a brunette boy looking at me amused, he seemed older.

Later we were walking to class. We had English.

''Did you see Descamps? He had turned red!'' Simone said and we all burst laughing.

Michelle walked in first. While she was opening the door a backet full of water fell on her making her white dress see-through.All the boys started laughing especially Descamps, who was without a doubt responsible for this. Most of them were also gapping at Michelle.

''What's going on here?'' The professor Couret walked in. She saw Michelle and quickly took off he coat to cover her and walked her to the school nurse.

Descamps was still laughing. He grabbed a chalk and started to draw boobs on the board. The rest of the boys were laughing as well.

I was so angry not one of them was feeling bad about what had just happened! I put myself on Michelle's place. How would I feel if I was exposed to 20 boys gapping at me. All of this happened because of Descamps. So, I grabbed the empty backet and throw it at him hitting him on the back. He stopped drawing and turned towards me

''You think it's funny do you?''

"What the fuck are you doing?" He said and grabbed me by the collar.

Just then the brunette boy from the canteen walked in and pushed Descamps aside. He bunched him and and broke his glasses hurting his left eye.

The rest at the boys went to comfort Descamps and the brunette came close to me

"Are you okay?" He asked and I nodded yes.
I was too stunned to speak. Descamps almost punched me!

Other professors run inside the class. One of them took Descamps who was holding his bleeding face to the school nurse and the other dragged the brunette out of the class.

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