27. I need it now!

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The red eared slider had to be sure of this and tried to get what he wanted.

As quiet as a ninja he sneaked up on my room and watched me sleep in peace. Seeing his chance, he entered the room. One foot in and Donnie's voice appeared again out of nowhere, "Intruder detected!"

The door was shut. Leo stood in front of it frustrated, "Oh come on". He tried to get it open with his hands as Donatello's voice answered "Violence detected. Alarm goes off in three, two..."

"No, No, NO!" said blue in fear backing off the door. It stopped counting. The last thing he wanted is to wake me and his brothers, after all he had a mission. Failing is not an option. Until he realized that another alternative to get inside, "Nice try Donnie." With his sword he can easily enter my room without setting the alarm off. As simple as that he was inside...only to be surprised.

That bed, purple had to make a defense slumber device just for me.

Not a chance for Leo to get even near me at this point. Blue had no chance but to fight this piece of furniture to get what he needed. The bed noticed the intruder and got all into battle mode while I slept through it all. Despite of the door the noise was too loud for Donnie. Because of his tech his sleeping schedule is off scale and feel asleep during work. The noise was unbearable for him to ignore. Checking on his computer he wanted to make sure the lair was secure. His face dropped as he checked my bedroom camera. He installed for emergencies, only for one particular turtle to be caught fighting with the bed, "You got to be kidding me".

The bed was quite a challenging opponent for blue as he had to attack it without hurting me in the process. Without knowing the furniture placed headphones on me to minimize the noise of the battle. Leo was really annoyed at all the tech, "Why do you have to be so overprotective of her D?"

An answer came right away as the door opened, "Because you can't keep your hands off her." It was the real softshell turtle looking tired at Leo, "Keep trying in the morning, go to bed."

Blue refused to go, "I need something, shut off the system."

"All you need is sleep in your own bed Leo,"

"I don't mean sleep" he begged Donnie, "please trust me on this."

Purple raised a brow as his brother was going on his hands and knees. Normally he dies this to trick Donnie for the last slice of pizza, but this wasn't about food. He crossed his arms over his chest, "Why should I trust you right now? You had your date and that is more than enough Y/N time. Wait till tomorrow."

"I can't wait that long!"

"Shhh, be quiet."

"Please D, this is really important."

Purple demanded to know what he wanted but Leo refused to say. He remained quiet. Donnie sighted at this turning off the system, five seconds...and I will stay here on guard." Pleased to see his purple brother take his side for once, blue crawled over to me. In the meantime, my arms were wrapped around one of Raph's teddy bears. Leo had trouble to get them off as he heard Donnie's voice again, "Intruder detected".

"Not funny D" said Leo turned back to him.

"That wasn't me," said Donatello.

Indeed, it was one of the Teddy bears coming to live. Before Leo could react, he got attacked by this furry beast. Wrestling it on my bed the real Donnie looked at it in surprise, "Oh I forgot to turn off the Sheldon bear system."

It was no use; the whole Lair was wide awake after this incident...even me.

Leo had some explaining to do in the kitchen. His tired brothers were all waiting while Mikey made us all hot coco. Even Splinter was awake being grumbly at blue, "I thought I taught you boys to be quiet as a ninja. It was like listening to a wrestling match."

"It was wrestling...literally" said Leo rubbing his bruises. This system was made up by Raph, so it was natural that this robot is capable to do wrestling moves. But the major disappointment was it for Mikey. He secretly makes me a skateboard as a present and hid it under my bed. Thanks to Leo not only did he fell on it but broke it in half with his back. No one was happy with Leonardo at this point. He apologized but no one believed him. Donnie's demand to know what he wanted from me didn't make this situation any better.

I watched with Mikey from a distance as the milk started to get warm, "Hey Mikey, do you have snacks in this place?" He nodded pointing at the cupboard next to me before looking sad at the milk, "Sorry about the skateboard."

"No biggie, I am sure Donnie can fix it."

He must fix my room afterwards, I thought, getting all the cameras and defense systems out of it. Purple means it well, but this was really overkill on protecting me from Leo.

With the cheese puffs and garlic rings I went over to the table, sitting right next to Leo. Raph made it very clear that my presence is right next to blue, "Y/N is right there so do what you had to do." Looking from Raph to Leo I got confused, "Did I miss something?"

Leo shook his head no.

No one will get anything out of this red eared slider tonight. Donnie and Raph left us alone and went to bed. Splinter joined soon after. Only Mikey stayed with us. He shared the snacks with me. Leo took a few slowly only munching them in silence. Mikey and I didn't like the quiet room and started to make jokes. I asked for Leo to make a few one-liners to make him join us. Blue needed a few attempts before we all started to laugh. We played with the food as well, making duck faces and wide lips with the chips or made rings out of the garlic rings. After an hour we called it a night. Mikey and Leo brought me back to my bedroom. Wishing each other good night.

Mikey waited till Leo left the sight.

Blue smiled wide once he was in his own room. He got what he wanted. Back to the laptop his eyes went over the text in front of him. Next to the laptop lies an onion ring.

"This is the size" he said out loud. Going over to his shelf stands his little piggy bank ready to share his savings with Leo. Only to disappoint him. It was only enough for the silver ring. If he doesn't buy it right now, it will be twice as expensive tomorrow. Leo was determined and sat down, "Here goes nothing."

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