Angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angelic ice ice avalanches ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice ice Christmas - Christmas trees - Christmas rugs - wreathes - fairy lights - angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice ice. Courtyard - walkways - fountains - big glass walls - like ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice ice.
Avalanches ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angelic ice ice snow storms angels ice ice ice. Courtyard - benches - bittersweet wood - angels ice ice ice ice ice ice snow storms angels ice ice ice ice ice ice ice snow storms angels ice ice ice. Christmas - Streets of Belgrade - Christmas trees - fairy lights - a single drop of Christmas - a single drop of ice - a single drop of snow - a a single drop of air to keep us all afloat. Breath - break - heart - break - God - take - me - away - to - a - nicer - space - with - less - hate - but - more - love.
Outer - space angels ice ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice ice snow storms angels ice ice avalanches ice ice ice snow storms angels ice ice angels ice ice ice. Streets of Belgrade - drop of piano - drop of dissonance - drop of resonance - drop of excellence - drop of blood - angels ice ice ice snow storms angels ice ice ice. Drop of plagiarism. Drop of comparison. Drop of fire. Drop of liquid nitrogen. Hydrogen bomb. Atoms drop bomb like St. Adam. Fucking ice ice snow storms angels ice ice ice.
Inner - time angels ice ice ice ice snow storms angels ice ice ice ice ice snow storms angels ice ice ice ice ice snow storms angels ice ice ice ice snow storms angels ice ice ice ice snow storms angels ice ice angels ice ice ice snow storms angels ice ice ice angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice ice. Streets of Belgrade falls like rain angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice like snow like hail like bolts of night's fallen so low apples hit Isaac stars drowned. Angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice ice.
Dark - Academy - actually - actuates - actively - absolutely - adamantly - adorably - fucking - addictively - adamant - adds - aluminum - and - active - axioms - all - around - a - haven - safe - - maze - amazing - graze - tase - taste - the sweetest fucking fruit - golden - silver - fire - ice - tire - spikes - slow - us - throw - us - grow - us - grown - aid - grenade - grant - safe - passage - save - us - St. - say - you?
Rain - falls - like - stars - bars - cars - tar - blackens - the - already - pitch - star - parks - stars - steel - diamond - axle - spoke - spoke - this - shit - Christmas - bitch - Christmas - Christmas trees - Christmas lights - Streets of Belgrade - under - stars - like - stars - wet - hot - angels - angels - Admonition - addition - subtraction - multiplication - division - star - drop of star - drop of starlight - stars burst - like candy - elementary - our - dear - Watson - end.
Streets - of - Belgrade - stars - full stop - stars - full stop - stars - full stop - stars - stars - stars - stars - full stop - anime - Angel - Beats! - angels - beat - demons - angles - see - treason - like mango - seeds - reason - or - like - halos - breathe - even - tho - we - die - we'll - see - you - again - pinky - promise - end.
Angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice ice ice snow storms angels ice ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice ice ice snow storms angels ice ice avalanches ice ice ice snow storms angels ice ice ice imagine - dragons - lapping - faster - action - reflection - tactics - refraction - antics - madness - happens - Titanic - and it's - DiCaprio and it's - Winslet - we set - sail - stars - full stop - bark - trees - dogs - leaves - bogs - seeds - clogs - these - thoughts - cost - a lot - hot - magma - stars - wet - hot - stop - full stop - car park - drive thru - movie - who - whom? - you - silly - for - we've - always - adored - that - eyes - see - stars - like - valleys - spilling - utter - stars - no - more - words - but stars - stars - full stop.
Angels - ice - snow - storms - angels - ice - angels - ice - ice - ice - ice - snow - Christmas - Christmas trees - Christmas rugs - dirty rugs - cleaned - dirty souls - soaped - dirty spirits - shampooed - dirty hearts - burned - in - boiling - soap - ropes - nope - hope - knows - ho - ho - ho - go! - when - you - find - it - give - it - back - that - heart - of - Sabaoth - Christmas - Christmas lights - snow - crunch - eat - souls - weep - souls - leaves - souls - trees - souls - please - souls - crown shyness - our highness highest hieth - old English - know English - sold - English - gold - English - ivy - lives - long - how - could - we - forget? - if - you - see - Leonardo - tell - him - Leonardo's - looking - for - him - all - over - campus - stars - wet - hot - guess - God - got - a lot - hit - our - spot - target - varmint - fucking - kidding - cmon - you - know - we've - adored - your - eyes - or - like - stars - wet - hot - spilling - wet - hot - light - hot - like - ice - cold - like - sparks - magma - wet - like - fire - hot - like - snow - stars - wet - hot - like - frostbite - bite - us - off - a - piece - of - your - heart - when - you've - time - not - before - but - surely - never - ever - after. Grin - wink - kiss - later. End.
Christmas - Christmas trees - Christmas lights - fairy lights - Christmas rugs - snow - bounce - to the - tune - of - my - electric-proof - heart - fucking - surely - Shirley - Lelouch - knightmares - drop of light - drop of soul - drop of spirit - St. Jesus - let us pass away - only if we live again - drop of light - drop of music - hits like symphonies - orchestras - epiphanies - corridors - antihistamine - the coroner - he's in for me - what else should we know him for? - no one - or anyone - or might everyone at all - dance - to the sound - of our broken - fixed - contradictory - heart - grin - wink - fucking... angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice ice. If - you - see - stars - wet - hot - or - like - frostbite - us - off - little - piece - of - your - broken - damn - heart - sorry - stars - wet - hot - stars - spill - wet - hot - white - paint - scald - caution - cauldrons - often - callous - coffins - biers - buy in - driers - dry - it - friers - tar - pits - boil - angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice ice - stars - wet - hot - hypothermia - broke - our - heart - like - hyperthermia - fixed - it - so - buy - us - stars - candy - cars - handy - dandy - landing - moons - like 12 houses-like moons-like over the courtyard iridescent - foil - toil - hot - pool - glass - windows - pour - cataracts - Cadillacs - Antipas - Apocalypse - Patmos - rainbow - road - rage - cold - cage - no - space - but - time - no - state - divine - lemon - lime angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice ice.
Stars - wet - hot - Streets - of - Belgrade - violins - pop - pianos - more - stars - freeze - like - blizzards - hurt - if - you're - sure - don't - disturb - the penitent - nor - mortified - solidified - iodized - drop of star - drop of nebulae - drop of cosmos - drop of quasar - drop of supernova - drop of hypernovas - it's never over - butterflies - buttered fries - battered ice - lathered frostbite - us - off - a - little - of - your - broken - heart - drop of star - drop of 2001: A Space Odyssey - drop of broken dreams - drop of a broken lense - drop of a broken skateboard - drop of a broken controller - drop of a broken star crack or like eggs or like ice ice snow storms angels ice ice ice.
Pianos - ice - drop of money - money dries - then again - we're missing some - dropped it - ate it - made it - erase it - fake it - blow up or like money - grow up or like money - know this for like money - more dust is just more stars - honey - cars - tar - drop of star - drop of star - drop of money - break into little pieces - torn - ate - melted - ate - taped - ate - welded - ate - ate it all up - fucking every last bit - so if we say we were ever rich - we never did. End.
Angels - ice - ice - ice - ice - snow - storms - angels - ice - ice - ice - snow - angels - ice - angels - ice - angels - drop of star - drop of water - drop of fire - drop of air - drop of earth drop off earth - at school - cool - drop of star - drop of star - drop of eternity - in every last drop - is even more - than we could've even hoped to hold - know to grow - grow to throw - throw to catch - or like bats swang - twang peng women take cake - like champs amps turned up like sand paper - burned hush - puppies - pups - lucky - us - we've - you - you've - us - we're - just - enough - drop of heart - drop of broken heart - drop of soap and heart - drop of golden apple - soda - anvil - code - of - Nashville - that's real - that - wheel - grab - that - that - steel - Mad Max - Furiosa - God bless Anya. End.
Baka - and - Test - drop of academia - drop of historicity - drop of simplicity - drop of complexity - drop of integrity - drop of dignity not found with the wicked got sounds for your digits - 404 not found - door to door - sleigh bells - ring - sling - bring - giant - beings - nephilim - knees - clink - clanks - we - think - 40 days - 40 - nights - isn't - right - for - one - that - size - anvils - fall - slower - planets - fall - slower - all - fall - slower - than - Goliath - Mitus - turn - us - gold - before - we're - old - so - we - know - throats - goats - fucking - disgraceful - culture - ifykyk - bye - end.
Toradora! - angels - angels - ice - ice - ice - ice - ice - ice - snow - angels - ice - ice - ice - angels - ice - ice - ice - ice - ice - drop of star - drop of money - eat it - funny - eat it - honey - leave it - less it's money - eat it - tummy? - squeamish? - it's money - eat it - lovely - eat it - love me? - eat it - one thing? eat it - two things? eat it eat it - running? - don't eat it - kidding - eat it - something we've kissed - freedom - from St. Jesus's mist. - Like St. Mary kissing his feet - Unlike Judas who kissed him to kill him angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice ice. Drop of star - drop of black hole - drop of space suit - drop of pure gold. Your love is hotter than any gold bar in any star near or far. Your love is colder than any gold bar in any arctic Antarctica is farthest when large silver darts dart you opposite the circumference - drop of star - drop of Aurora Borealis - drop of Streets of Belgrade - drop of blood - drop of trust - drop of love - drop of hugs. Your love is sweeter than any vine of any garden of any gardener of any gold of any silver arrows in any quiver shoot like gold in any era. Your love is the purest gold - sweet like honey - dipped in God - deep fried - and devoured - kiss. End.
Drop of star - drop of starlight - drop of so bright - drop of light up the night - drop of Christian excellence - drop of satanic indifferent indolence - drop of avarice - drop of lasciviousness - drop of voraciousness - angels ice ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice ice ice snow storms angels ice ice ice ice snow storms angels. Angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice ice. Christmas - Christmas trees - fairy lights - Christmas rugs - gifts - presents - snow - Streets of Belgrade - memento mori - quite frankly we're fucking disgusted with the world. Angels ice ice ice ice snow storms angels ice ice ice ice snow storms angels ice ice ice.
Drop of star - drop of Christmas - drop of snow - drop of cold - drop of winter. Winter... winter... winter... winter... winter angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice ice - angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice ice eat money - breathe money - sleep money - wee! money! - please money - be money - need money? - we've money - sweet money - dear money - you're money - on your worst days... best... chests... filled with checks... test us money... is it really you?... if it is know all our dreams came true... through or like through or like through or like through. Eat money be money money see money do. End.
The word fuck.
Drop of stars - drop of cars - drop of dark academia - drop of black academics - not race motherfuckers goth motherfucker but don't fucking be racist ok dark brown black white pink doesn't fucking matter. No dignity for sinners. Ice - cold - winter - clothes - knowless - knowless - vain - love. Eat money - sleep money - when we awake - we've money - these funny - drop of wet hot solaris - summer solstice cold like ice - winter solstice hot like hell - metaphors. Fucking angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice ice.
Christmas - Christmas trees - Christmas rugs - snow - gifts - nutcrackers - snow - fireplaces - stockings - angels ice ice ice snow storms angels ice ice ice avalanches ice ice ice snow storms angels ice ice ice sinners love a drop of pretension drop of falsehood drop of Darwin's lies drop of idiocy drop of synchronicity drop of totalitarianism drop of fascism drop of communism drop of goddamned fucking filth. End.
Christmas - Christmas trees - Christmas rugs - fairy lights - gifts - stockings - nutcrackers - chestnuts - sleighs - sleigh bells - angels ice ice ice snow storms angels ice ice ice snow storms angels ice ice ice ice ice ice snow storms angels ice ice ice ice snow storms angels ice ice ice - 12 moons for the patriarchs - apostles - months - eggs God bless Furiosa. Angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice ice rainbow - iridescence - foil - holographic - hologram - hot pool - drop of hot water - drop of boiling steam - drop of broken moon cataract beam tide wave - drop of iron hearts - angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice ice. Drop of God - drop of money - eat it - drop of funny - eat it - drop of honey - eat that fucking shit cuz it's actually fucking food shit... angels ice ice ice snow storms angels ice ice ice.
Angels - blizzards - snow - storms - angels - drop of persimmons - drop of Minecraft - drop of mansion - drop of creativity - drop of stars - drop of sun - drop of moon - drop of blindness for the wicked - drop of deafness for the wicked - drop of nonsense for the wicked - drop of au - drop of ostentatiousness - drop of austerity - drop of Christmas - Christmas trees - Christmas lights - Christmas rugs - snow - pages fall or like snow or like doves or like snow or like pages or like doves or like pages or like snow or like doves or like ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice ice snow storms angels ice ice ice.
Christmas - Christmas trees - Christmas rugs - wreathes nutcrackers - chimneys - sleighs - sleigh bells - angels ice ice ice snow storms angelic ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice ice avalanches ice ice ice. Benches - bittersweet wood - angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice fountains - banners - angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice ice snow storms angels ice ice ice avalanches ice ice ice. Snow - pianos - in - snow - singing - anime - love - no hatred - no - sin - no - sinners.
Group pic - smiles - pants - coats - Santa hats - crosses - necklaces - bracelets - buttons - eyes - anime - anime eyes - earrings - brown - blonde - black - red hair - angels ice ice ice ice ice ice ice ice snow storms angels ice ice ice ice ice ice snow storms angels ice ice ice avalanches ice ice ice snow storms angels ice ice ice. Group pic. St. Jesus holds the camera. Dogs. Laughter. Small flock. Hardly anyone. But in a way. Fucking everyone.
Dinner. Laughter. Clean. Plates. Waves. Hugs. Goodbyes. Teleport. Christmas courtyard. Wreathes. Benches. Fountains. Fairy lights. Fairies. Talking horses cows pigs the like. Angels ice ice winter clothes. Snow.
Hot dog bath. Fed dogs. Phone scroll. Desire of Ages. Money. Atwater. Sleep.
Interior castle disappears.
Where'd it go?
Angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice ice ice ice snow storms angels ice ice ice snow storms angels ice ice ice ice snow storms angels ice ice ice ice snow avalanches ice ice ice ice snow storms angels ice ice ice.
Pathetic devil.
Laughingstock devil.
A Polaroid in an empty forest.
Is this... a picture of us?...
Zoom in or like out faces til we zoom out to see all.
Miasma Satan missed us again.
Christmas will always stop him.
Angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice ice snow storms angels ice ice ice.
Satan went to hell.
Us heaven.
Padlock tight. Angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice ice janitor clean up angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice ice. We can see the world but they can't see us.
We teleport out holding the Polaroid.
Satan goes to hell.
Us heaven.
Satan hell.
Us heaven.
Satan hell.
Us heaven.
Fucking small flock hardly fucking anyone.
Sinners hell.
Us heaven.
End. "Bye!" Echoes.
Bye! Bye! Bye! Bye! Bye! Bye!