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If I can't have you, no one should.

The green leaves that had once rested on the branches of The Whomping Willow had turned to a beautiful red and orange. The air outside was now cool with a crisp breeze to it. These were the signs of Autumn, which was fast approaching.

James noticed all these things as he dazedly looked out the window next to him in Transfiguration. It was the second month of his sixth year, and he had quickly adjusted to the NEWT-level classes he was assigned based on his career choice.

James had hoped to one day be an Auror, so that involved him taking N.E.W.T level Defence Against the Dark Arts, Transfiguration, Charms, and Potions—almost all of those he had with his friends, one of them having sat next to him.

He was pulled back from his daydreaming by Sirius who tapped on his shoulder, an amused grin on his face. Sirius gestured to under their table where his hands were. James looked down and saw a ripped piece of parchment being placed into his hands.

James rolled his eyes as he fumbled with the paper and read it, 'Take a look at the little snake, he's at the front of the class' He quickly looked up, his eyes darting to the raven-haired Slytherin whose face was buried behind his Transfiguration book. James then looked at the person sitting next to him, the familiar emerald-eyed beauty.

Anger quickly rose in him, why the hell was Snivellus sitting next to Lily? James thought she had vowed never to speak to the Slytherin again after he called her that nasty word in front of everyone.

Everyone knew that Lily hated him! So why was she sitting next to him like nothing had ever happened?

James turned his attention back to the note, scribbling a response to Sirius with his quill. 'Are they friends again!?' James passed it to Sirius who read it quietly.

A few moments later Sirius wrote back, 'I'll tell you after class, we only have a few minutes left.' James rolled his eyes, he was growing impatient. Lily wasn't ever supposed to talk to Snape again, that was part of James' small plan to get Lily to like him back.

Around ten minutes later, Professor McGonagall dismissed the class, it was now time for lunch. Almost the second James and Sirius stepped foot out of the class, James bombarded Sirius with questions.

"Are they friends again?!"

"Did she forgive him?"

"Why were they sitting together!"

Sirius laughed, amused with his friend's irritation. "Calm down, mate! I'll tell you once you stop asking me so many questions." Sirius told him, a smug look on his face that James wanted to wipe off.

A few moments later James gestured to his now 'relaxed' face. "Okay, so, I've heard from Mary Macdonald, one of Lily's closest friends, that she decided to forgive him a few weeks ago. I guess he had been trying to convince her all summer and she finally gave in, under one exception; he had to stop hanging out with those wannabe Deatheaters. So I guess they are close again." Sirius explained as a fumed expression took over James' face.

"Wasn't that nasty slur that came out his mouth enough to prove the type of person he is?" Sirius shrugged, now quite relaxed as they walked into the Great Hall.

They sat down next to Remus, but Peter wasn't there. "Where's Wormtail?" Sirius asked as he took his usual seat next to Remus. "Not sure, when I arrived he wasn't here," Remus responded, his eyes still on the book in his hands.

James placed some food on his plate, his eyes not leaving the fiery redhead not far from him. "Now that I think about it, we haven't seen a lot of Peter recently. We see him in the dormitory, but he's always dazed off or in deep thought." Sirius remarked before taking a bite of the sandwich in front of him.

𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒘𝒂𝒚 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒍𝒊𝒆 (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now