Birds Of A Feather

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November 15th, 1976

A week had passed since Severus and James were paired for the potion's assignment. Every day in class James would shoot nervous glances at Severus while Severus did half the work. And when James did the work, he seemed to seek validation from Severus, he looked terrified to mess up in front of Severus.

Severus found this oddly amusing, how did the tables turn?

James had supplied the two with all the ingredients they needed and met at the Room of Requirement just about every night, some days James couldn't because of Quidditch practice. Severus' friends were starting to get curious.

Severus was sat in the common room, something rare for him. He usually tucked himself deep into the library, where only people who wanted to focus go. He wouldn't be bothered by a bunch of looney first-years playing Gobstones there.

But today, he wasn't in the library, because it was closed. Some third-years set off a dozen dung bombs in it, therefore it was closed for the evening. Tonight was one of the nights that James was at Quidditch practice, so Severus had nothing better to do than read.

Severus was in a rather secluded corner, a roaring fire before him with his knees brought up to his chin. It was getting late; thus, more and more students left the common room to sleep.

His peace was disturbed by two people, both had raven hair and the same piercing facial structure. Severus looked up from his book with a scowl as his eyes laid on Narcissa and Regulus Black. "What do you two fools want?" Severus hissed as they plopped down on either side on Severus.

"More like, where have you been!" Regulus exclaimed. Severus's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Almost every day for the past week you have been MIA." Narcissa pointed out.

A slight blush spread across Severus's sharp cheekbones. "I've been in the library," Severus said, that was a lie.

"Even we are smart enough to check the library to find you, now tell us where you've been," Regulus informed him, smirking at the fact they had caught Severus in a lie.

Severus let out an irritated sigh, "Fine. I've been working on the potion's project every day." Narcissa looked shocked and slightly disgusted. "But you don't have to do that! Why would you want to spend one second more than needed with that imbecile!" She cried. Regulus looked confused as he looked at the two sixth-years back and forth.

"Will one of you explain? I'm a year younger than you so I don't know what's happening in your classes!" Regulus pleaded, desperately. He had never liked the feeling of being left out.

Narcissa's attention turned to Regulus. "In potions, we must work on a project with a student in the opposite house for a month. I got paired with Evans. Severus got paired with Potter. That means Severus has been ditching us for Potter!" She explained and Regulus' face twisted to a grimace as he silently judged Severus for his choices.

"You, the boy who has hated Potter almost as much as your father, hung out with him after curfew for a week straight!?"

Severus rolled his eyes. "Oh, would you two shut it, I see you and Lily giggling with each other all the time in potions class."

Narcissa's eyes narrowed. "Lily and I haven't been enemies for six years straight."

Severus groaned as he grabbed his book and stood up, "Now, if you two wouldn't mind, I'm going to bed!" He shouted as he stormed away from the two.

Narcissa and Regulus exchanged guilty glances before deciding to do the same.

The next day while Severus sat at breakfast, the same two Slytherins walked up and sat across from him. Narcissa placed some toast and eggs on her plate, Regulus doing the same.

Severus watched them, waiting for either of them to speak. Narcissa cleared her throat loudly. "Oh right, Severus, me and Cissy would like to apologize. We shouldn't have bombarded you with those questions yesterday. We had no intention of making you feel uncomfortable." Narcissa sighed as she looked down at the ground, dissatisfied. Regulus' voice had sounded almost robotic like he was reading off a script.

Severus stifled a chuckle at the attempted apology. "I forgive you, I guess. Just don't tell anyone about it, the last thing I need is for his fellow Gryffindorks to get in my business." Severus stated pointedly as Narcissa nodded, taking a bite of the toast she had piled eggs on top of.

The three were interrupted by an auburn-haired girl sitting next to Severus. "Hiya, Sev. My friends are sick, so I figured I'd sit with you." Lily told them with a pearly smile on her face. "Hello, Narcissa." She said in an equally cheery voice while she loaded her plate with waffles.

Narcissa nodded at her in return. "And you must be Regulus? Sev has told me about you. Nice to meet you." She spoke to Regulus now, who seemed embarrassed by the sudden attention. "You too." He responded quietly.

Severus gave her a skeptical glance, "You're awfully happy today." He muttered. Lily shrugged, "I don't feel like being grumpy today." Narcissa chuckled before changing the topic.

Severus was pleased to see how nicely Lily had clicked with Regulus and Narcissa. Once breakfast was over, they all split off into their first class, which Lily and Severus had together, as well as Narcissa, but she said she needed the loo before class.

"You know what, Sev?"


"Your friends aren't as bad as I thought."

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