It's Nice To Have A Friend

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"So, you're telling me that you're ditching us for that slimy git?!" Sirius exclaimed. It was the day of the Hogsmeade trip and Sirius was just finding out that James wasn't going to Hogsmeade with the Marauders. "When I told you to do something to get him closer to you, I didn't mean for you to leave us!"

James was staring at himself in the mirror. He didn't need to do very much to make himself look good. His eyes skimmed over his toned body; he was getting quite tall. The last time he checked he was around 6'1.

He was wearing his Quidditch sweater that had said 'POTTER' on the back of it, along with his Quidditch number, 19, in gold writing. He had on some baggy jeans and dark red converse. James ran a hand through his hair to keep it at its messy look.

"It's not like I want to, Padfoot." James said as he turned away from the mirror to look at Sirius who was sitting on Remus' bed with him. "It's only one trip Sirius." Peter stated, who was sitting at his desk, jotting down something in a black notebook.

"Fine! But if you don't go with us to the Christmas Hogsmeade trip then I'm going to be mad." Sirius said in a matter-of-fact tone. "I promise I'll go with you guys."

Sirius quickly looked over James, "Why are you even trying to look good for that Snake?" Sirius commented. "I'm James Potter, I always look good." He answered sarcastically as he pretended to dust dirt off his jeans.

"Don't be so full of yourself." Remus scoffed at James' words. "I'm hardly being full of myself." James exclaimed dramatically, "Now, if any of you would like the walk with me to the carriages then I'd suggest you come now."

Sirius and Remus both stood from Remus' bed and walked towards the door. "Aren't you coming Peter?" Remus asked as the three turned to Peter's desk where he had not left. "Yeah... I'll meet you guys there later." Peter called as his focus stayed on the notebook.

The three gave each other confused glances but Sirius just shrugged at Peter's words and walked out of the room.

"I'm telling you, he's up to something." Remus told them with concern in his voice as they left the Gryffindor common room. "It's probably nothing. Peter has always been strange." Sirius responded dismissively.

"But never this strange." James muttered as his gaze fixed onto the paintings lying on the Hogwarts walls. James had never put much thought into the canvases, he hadn't really put much thought into anything at Hogwarts. At least not until recently. Maybe he was too young to think hard enough on things.

James was brought back to reality when Sirius started speaking, "Maybe we should just look in that notebook he won't set down?"

Remus groaned at Sirius suggestion. "We can't just go through his things, that wouldn't be respecting his privacy."

"What do you think we should do James?" Remus asked James. If James was going to be honest, he didn't really care. He had far too many things on his mind to be thinking about what Peter was up to. "Just wait to see if he tells us anything."

Remus rolled his eyes at his lack of response but decided not to say anything else on the matter. Just a few minutes later they reached the outside gates to Hogwarts. There were a few carriages that were empty, waiting for the remaining students.

James and Severus were supposed to meet here, but there was no sign of Severus. Remus and Sirius had also noticed this. "Do you want us to wait with you?" Remus offered to which Sirius gave him a glare signing that he didn't want to wait for Severus.

"Nah, you guys go ahead." James responded. Remus was going to say something, but Sirius grabbed his arm and pulled him away, preventing Remus from making them wait for Severus. "Bye Prongs!" Sirius shouted before him and Remus stepped into the carriage.

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