Bad Idea Right?

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You act like a kid even though you stand six foot two

December 6th, 1976

James and Severus had hardly talked since the incident in the prefect's bathroom. They only talked in Potions, which is when they were forced to talk because of the project. James was starting to get lazy about the prank. He didn't want to admit to his friends that he had wanted to stop the prank. Sirius would be disappointed, Remus would be relieved, and Peter would go along with whatever Sirius said because Sirius said it.

But today was the day that they had to turn the project in, which meant there would no longer be an excuse for James to talk to Severus, he would have to quit chickening out and talk to Severus.

"I hope you all have worked with your partner over the last month well. This project will be worth almost half your first term grade." Slughorn announced after the class settled down and listened to him.

"Over the class period, I will walk around and grade your work, you can talk to your partner while I do so."

James bounced his leg up and down as Severus stayed silent. He wanted to say something, but he didn't know what to say. He could have turned around and just talked to Sirius, but he knew he should do something about this deep down.

"Look, Severus, I'm sorry for what happened that day at the prefect's bathroom. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable by doing that. I understand if that's a sensitive thing for you to talk about. You don't have to tell me." James explained in a slight whisper so no one around them heard him talking.

Severus turned to James and just nodded when he finished talking. "Is the offer still on the table... to go to your house for winter break?" Severus muttered as he looked to the ground.

James smiled softly, "Yeah, for sure. I'll owl my mom after classes to tell her you're coming."

Just then, Slughorn walked up to the two's desk and tested their potion. "I expect good things from this duo. You're both quite good at this subject." Slughorn said with a grin. "Hm, seems like there is just a little something wrong with the way one of you turned it. No matter, you'll get an 'E'."

James took this as a score, that was his usual grade in this class, but Severus looked mad. "But sir, the directions said for the first few steps to stir it clockwise and then the last steps to stir it counterclockwise. We did just that!" Severus exclaimed as he looked at the other students' potions.

"Well, it doesn't seem like that to me. I'm the professor, don't distrust my abilities. This is one of the reasons you didn't make it into the Slug Club, Snape, but your friends did." Severus' eyebrows furrowed as Slughorn gestured to some of the kids in the class. Severus wanted to say something to Slughorn but knew better than to do so.

"Well maybe your abilities have just grown rusty, Professor," James grumbled with narrowed eyes.

"Excuse me! That's five points from Gryffindor for disrespecting your professor. Don't test me Potter, or I'll give grade you both a 'T'!" James didn't say anything. He would've if it didn't risk Severus being affected as well.

Slughorn then walked away, off to grade the other students' work.

"Why would you say that, James!" Severus hissed. "You could've made us both fail this project!"

"Did you not hear what he said to you? That was rude. Like anyone cares about his stupid Slug Club." James muttered. He stayed silent for a few minutes, mumbling a few things under his breath until a light bulb went off in his head. "I have an idea!"

Severus rolled his eyes, "And what is that?"

"Just... meet me in the Room of Requirement, at 7:00."

And so, he did. When dinner was over and everyone went about their evening, Severus snuck away from his friends and headed to the seventh floor where the Room of Requirement was.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16 ⏰

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