Sweet Nothing

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She was cryin' on my shoulder, all I could do was hold her

November 22nd, 1976

Lily, Narcissa, and Severus were the first people to arrive at their first lesson, potions. Almost every day since last week, Lily had sat at the Slytherin table with them, including Regulus. It felt like a relief to be away from some of the arrogant Gryffindors, even if the Slytherins were slightly worse.

Lily had discovered some interesting things she shared with the two Blacks. Narcissa was into a lot of the things she was, she was remarkably clever and quite nice. But she was not afraid to give someone a telling-off if needed. Lily was like her in a way, except Narcissa was more closed off and reserved. Regulus was the same as Narcissa, he was particularly quiet when Lily met him, but he started to get used to her presence.

Narcissa and Lily sat at their desk and Severus stood at their desk, talking to them until the other students arrived. "Waiting for your little boyfriend, Severus?" Narcissa teased as Severus rolled his eyes. She had been bantering him on this topic for the last week and Lily found it rather amusing.

"Would you lay off with that, Potter is not my bloody boyfriend!" Severus exclaimed loudly with a scowl. Severus watched the two girls snicker, their eyes focused on something behind him. Severus furrowed his eyebrows and turned around, his irritated expression meeting all four of the Marauders.

Severus' eyes widened, watching Peter slap a hand over his mouth, giggling loudly. Severus noticed an amused and somewhat confused look on James' face, meanwhile, Sirius looked like smoke was going to erupt from his ears.

Remus just sighed and walked to his seat, the other three doing the same a few moments later.

Fortunately, the bell rang, and students started to flood into the room, making things less awkward. Severus cast Lily and Narcissa a look that could turn them to dust before taking his seat next to James.

Lily and Narcissa sniggered silently until Slughorn walked in and the class went silent. He said the usual things, telling them to be careful while brewing their potions and paying close attention to the directions.

"So, would you like to meet up after classes today?" Narcissa offered after a few minutes of working in silence. "To work on the project?" Lily questioned.

"No." Narcissa said, "Just to hang out, just us two, Reggie is getting on my nerves." Lily chuckled. "Sure, let's meet near the black lake."

Lily didn't sit with them for dinner that day, because Mary and Marlene had claimed she was abandoning them. "Why are you eating in such a rush, Lily?" Mary asked with slight concern. She and Mary sat next to each other, across from Lily. James and his friends were also sitting next to them, but not talking to them.

"I'm meeting with someone," Lily responded as she drank some pumpkin juice. "And who's that exactly?" A voice asked from beside her, Lily turned her head with a cocked eyebrow as she saw James, who asked the question.

"None of your business!" Lily exclaimed as she heard Mary and Marlene giggling at each other. Lily groaned before grabbing her bag and standing up, walking away from the table.

Lily strolled through the corridors that led to the grounds. She wondered why Narcissa wanted to hang out with her while the others weren't there. Maybe she wanted to get to know her?

A few minutes later she noticed the blonde sitting at a large tree before the black lake. Lily suppressed a grin as she sat next to Narcissa.

Narcissa didn't say anything, her attention was on the lake. "You didn't always have blonde hair, did you?" Lily remarked as Narcissa looked at her with a cocked eyebrow. "No. I had black hair until our 4th year. I was tired of looking like my family." Narcissa muttered. "People like to describe the Black family with the same distinguishing features; Raven hair, sharp cheekbones, full lips, and pale skin." Lily chuckled. It was like she had described Sirius and Regulus along with herself. "Oh, and you can't forget the curly hair."

"You don't seem to like your family that much," Lily commented.

"How could I? All they care about is blood purity, they force inbreeding too. The moment I leave Hogwarts, I'm leaving that reckless family too." Lily had known that the Black family wasn't a nice one. She had overheard a lot of ranting from Sirius between the common room and classes.

"You're lucky if they let you marry someone you want, you know I'm in an arranged marriage with Malfoy? Of all people!" She exclaimed. "We both don't love each other. He told me he was in love with someone else just before our betrothal ceremony. Like I care about that git, we're only together to make an heir for the family, after that, I'm sure we'll get a divorce."

Lily frowned as she listened to Narcissa's rant, she had no idea it was all an arranged marriage. Everyone always joked about the two and how they would get married after Hogwarts, but she never knew what was happening behind the façade.

She didn't know how to comfort Narcissa. She didn't relate to the situation; she was a muggle-born, she wasn't rich, and her parents would never force her into an arranged marriage. All Lily could do was wrap a comforting arm around Narcissa's shoulders. Lily could tell that Narcissa had been holding onto this for a while, Lily felt lucky that Narcissa had trusted her enough to confide with her about it.

"You don't have to say anything." Narcissa said, "Most people are pretty stunned by the situation."

Lily sighed with a frown. All she knew right now, was that something fiery had just sparked in her, a determination to help Narcissa.

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