Master of None

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You dream of my mouth before it called you a lying traitor.

"Excuse me what did you just say?" Sirius blurted out, an appalled expression on his face. Remus and Peter both looked as stunned as Sirius was as they sat there, staring at James.

James scoffed, "Are you going to make me repeat myself? I said I'm gonna make Snape fall in love with me!" James repeated himself, hoping soon his friends would catch on so he didn't seem deluded.

Sirius blinked, "What's the joke, where's the joke?" Sirius looked dumbfounded as he saw James's seriousness about this 'prank'. "I'm going to make him fall for me, so we can then break his heart, in front of everyone!"

A smirk grew on both Sirius' and Peter's faces. "Ahhh, now I see what you're getting at. But why would you wanna kiss that slimy snake?" A dark expression grew on Remus' face, "I don't think that is a great idea, it's one thing to prank him by creating a stupid jinx, but is some serious shit." Remus approached his words cautiously.

Sirius rolled his eyes, "Oh come on Moony, it won't be that bad. It may cause him to be a little sad, but it won't shatter him or anything." Sirius explained with a convincing tone. James nodded, agreeing with Sirius. Peter also looked to Remus, hoping that the three of them could convince him fully.

It couldn't be bad. Right? Snape hated James. There's no way that it could hurt Snape that badly. Sure, he would be kind of sad, or humiliated, but it wouldn't be the end of his life or anything.

Remus let out a deep sigh, "Fine." A smile grew on James' face, "Brilliant! Now, what we've got to do now is come up with a plan." James said excitedly. Sirius stood up and grabbed a random notebook, opening up to the first empty page.

"Where's that from?" Peter asked, gesturing to the maroon-colored notebook. "I dunno, I've had it. We could use this to jot down ideas for this prank or for pranks in general." Sirius shrugged as he grabbed a quill from Remus.

"Okay, first things first, how long shall this last?" Sirius stated, turning to James and then Remus. James bit his lip, thinking hard, there was no way that Snape would fall for him quickly, they had been enemies since they were eleven, that's almost six years.

Remus also seemed to be in deep thought about this, "Well that depends, where are you guys planning on telling everyone it is a prank?" Remus questioned. They all sat in silence for a few minutes, "Oh, I have one! How about at the Spring ball? You know, the one they host every year right before all the exams." Peter suggested.

"That's actually a great idea," Sirius remarked, writing down in the notebook. James stayed silent for a few seconds, calculating. It was the end of October now, the ball was always at the end of April. Six months!

"No way! I'm not spending six months of my life pretending to be in love with Snivellus!" James screamed, watching as Remus snickered at him. "This prank was your idea, James! If you're gonna go through with it then you're gonna have to go through great measures." Remus warned with an icy glare in his eyes.

James gulped, if he really wanted to pull this prank the best he could, he would have to do whatever it took. "Alright then," James confirmed as he watched Sirius write down a few things.

"Because of this prank, we will have to stop pranking him. James, you'll have to start being nice to him and act civil towards him." Remus remarked, "He's not going to fall straight into your lap like they usually do." James shifted uncomfortably at the thought of this, Snivellus falling into his lap. It was gross.

"So I guess that'll be phase one," James muttered. "Wait I have an idea! To get Snivellus to believe that you 'like' him, we should try and have a conversation near him and talk about your 'feelings' for him." Sirius made sure to use air quotes so that James wouldn't freak out.

The others agreed with Sirius' idea and continued to plan this prank. It took hours for them to plan this, making sure there wasn't a single flaw in their plan that could possibly make the plan a total flop.

The rules were: No backing out. No falling in love with Snape. And to not let this break apart their friendship. It truly was simple, nothing to stress over. James didn't need to do anything intimate with Snape either.

After hours of planning, the books were almost halfway filled up. They finally decided to take a break and go to sleep, since it was almost two in the morning.

. . . .

The next morning at breakfast, James and Sirius decided to go through with his idea of letting Snape in on their little secret.

They watched him walk out of the Great Hall and to the courtyard. Severus walked through the courtyard doors and settled for a spot next to the fountain, it was pretty chilly out but he didn't really care. He reached into his bag and fished for his potions book, pulling it out a few moments later and beginning to read.

He watched as a few students also entered the courtyard, two of them being Sirius and James. Severus narrowed his eyes but continued to read, readying himself in case of a jinx being thrown his way. The two walked behind the fountain, speaking in hushed voices.

Severus kept his head down but tried to listen to their conversation. "James, please tell me you're joking, you can't like him!" Sirius hissed towards his best friend who had a guilty look on his face. "I know. But I can't help it! Something switched in me."

"No James, I won't allow you to have a crush on Snape!" Severus' eyes widened as the little color in his face started to drain. Potter liked him? Surely that can't be true. Severus thought to himself as he continued listening.

"I don't care! You can't stop me, Sirius. This bullying we've done to him ends here! He's going to know soon enough about how I feel and I don't want you doing anything to stop this." James said firmly as he turned on his heel and walked away, pausing as he noticed Severus sitting there. He looked like he wanted to say something but he didn't, he kept walking as Sirius followed behind him.

Severus didn't know what to do. He sat there, his jaw dropped. There was no way that James liked him. It couldn't be true. But at the same time, James said it himself. This small information made Severus slightly more confident in himself.

But what Severus didn't know, was that the second that James and Sirius were out of earshot for Severus, they both broke down laughing.

"Oh my gosh! Did you see the look on his ugly face!?" Sirius yelled, barely being able to laugh with the fits of laughter disrupting him. James nodded in return as the two continued to laugh at Severus' stupidity.

𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒘𝒂𝒚 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒍𝒊𝒆 (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now