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Wherever you stray, I follow

James sat towards the back of the class in potions, Sirius next to him. Right behind them were Remus and Peter.

"Today, we are going to start the project I have been talking about to you all for the past few weeks. The recent assignment I had you all make, which was brewing a Wiggenweld potion, should make things slightly more familiar for the project. You will be paired with a student from the opposite house to help you brew a Polyjuice potion." The class whispered to each other, annoyed they couldn't work with someone from their own house.

The Marauders were already experienced in making this potion. When they were in their third year, they used it to prank the Slytherins by going into their dorm and trashing it.

"The average witch or wizard your age takes about a month to brew the potion. You and your partner will work together to either buy the ingredients or look for them outside. Getting the ingredients from the Greenhouse is strictly forbidden if you do not have permission from Professor Sprout."

James' eyes moved to Severus who bowed his head down with shame. He knew that Severus got his ingredients from the Greenhouse without permission, but for some reason, he wasn't going to snitch on him like he usually would. "Now, I will call out the pairs for this project." Professor Slughorn stated as he started to call out names from a list in his hands.

"Black and Rosier." Slughorn read, his gaze going to Sirius and then Rosier. Sirius groaned before picking up his bag and switching seats with the Slytherin next to Rosier. "Mulciber and Lupin. Evans and Black." Remus also changed seats, but Lily looked up at Slughorn with a confused expression. "I mean Narcissa Black. So difficult to name which one I'm talking about." Slughorn muttered with a slight jittery smile. He wasn't wrong, there were quite a handful of Sirius' family roaming the corridors at Hogwarts. Including Sirius, Regulus, Narcissa, and Andromeda.

Lily rolled her eyes; she was expecting to be paired with Severus. Narcissa stood up from her seat and sat next to Lily. Slughorn read off a few other names before reaching James'. "Potter and Snape. I expect you two to behave, or I will fail you both." Slughorn warned them as James just shrugged and moved to the Slytherin part of the room.

James sat down next to Severus who stayed silent, waiting for Slughorn to stop reading out names. Coincidentally, Severus' desk was right in front of where Sirius was sitting. James felt a hand tap his shoulder, James turned around and saw Sirius.

"Do you think Professor would let us work together if we asked?" Sirius whispered in his ear. "I'm fine with my partner," James whispered back harshly as Sirius' expression flashed to one of shock and hurt.

Severus wasn't going to say it, but he had heard James. Why would he rather work with Severus instead of his own best friend?

The last students to be paired were Peter and Avery. "There are only about ten minutes left of class, in that time you may talk to your partner," Slughorn spoke dismissively as he walked to his desk and sat down to grade a few papers.

James turned to Severus who was jotting something in his potions book. "I already know how to do the potion," James told him as Severus looked up from his potions book with narrowed eyes.

"I figured," Severus mumbled. James glanced away nervously, his gaze landing on Lily and Narcissa. Lily appeared irritated about the fact she had to work with Narcissa. Her arms were crossed, and her face twisted into a sour expression as she looked up at Narcissa who was talking easily.

James looked back at Severus before clearing his throat. "Do you want to meet up after dinner? To begin the potion." James suggested.

"We need the ingredients, Potter." Severus reminded him.

𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒘𝒂𝒚 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒍𝒊𝒆 (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now