Things to Do

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You were born inside your head.

For the past few weeks, James had spent more time with Severus. He had realized that Severus wasn't too bad. Hanging out with him made him feel a little bad. He would break the Slytherin's heart in just a few months. He wouldn't be able to take that. But it was too late. He couldn't betray his friends.

James and the Marauders were sitting in the Gryffindor common room. It was well past curfew and the four were still up. These were one of the few nights that James wasn't off somewhere with Severus. "I'm glad you're with us tonight, Prongs. You're always with that slimy git." Sirius scoffed as he watched his horse get sliced brutally by James' knight.

James looked down to his lap nervously. "I'm sorry. It's just a prank. I must get him to trust me." Remus looked up from The Daily Prophet that was in his hands and gave James a look. One that James couldn't explain. Like Remus knew something that James hadn't.

Peter had already passed out on the couch next to Sirius. He also had a book in his hands that he insisted the others not read the cover. James had the chance to see what the book was but decided to respect his friend's privacy.

The three sat in silence for a few moments before Remus spoke. "Have you noticed that Peter has gotten distant? He always seems dazed out." Remus murmured; just in case Peter was awake. "Maybe our lad has gotten a girlfriend!" Sirius cheered happily, brushing off the fact that it most likely wasn't that. Sirius often did that. Like he didn't want to acknowledge something if it involved too much thinking.

"Or it could be something different," Remus said absently, his eyes still glued on The Daily Prophet. "I doubt it. What could Peter do without us? He's not exactly a mischievous person, at least without us there." Sirius uttered as he moved a chess piece.

"Damn you, James Potter!" Sirius shouted when James had won the game. "Another round?" Sirius asked. "No thanks, I think I might go to bed," James muttered as he stood up and faked a yawn. "Oh," Sirius muttered, disappointed at how early James was going to sleep. "Goodnight Prongs."

"Night Padfoot, night Moony."

. . . .

The next day in potions class, James overheard Severus and Lily who were sitting behind him and Remus. "I don't understand, what's your problem with Narcissa?" Severus asked her as he stirred the ingredients in the pot aggressively.

"Because Severus! She's set to marry Lucius Malfoy! Everybody knows he is recruiting students for You-Know-Who. I think you should be careful around her; she is in his circle as well." Lily explained with a frustrated tone while she jotted down notes in her book.

Severus took a deep breath before speaking, "Lily, I assure you she isn't. I've asked her and she said she hasn't. I honestly think you two could be good friends if you stopped looking at her like she's a bad person."

Lily grumbled a short response back to him that was inaudible to James. The rest of the class the two didn't say much more to each other. James couldn't help but wonder why they were arguing about Narcissa Black.

When the bell rang, James had waited outside of the classroom for Severus. He was the last one out the door and he shot James a glare before walking away. James groaned as he followed Severus. "What do you want Potter," Severus growled once James caught up to him.

James frowned, "I thought we were done calling each other by surnames." He pointed out. "Not anymore," Severus mumbled, toying with his bag strap as he walked to the Great Hall. James sighed in annoyance but continued to walk with Severus.

"What were you and Lily arguing over?" James asked hesitantly. "If you've come over here to talk about your little crush on her, then you can go bother her." Severus hissed. "Jealous?" James teased as Severus shot him another glare and turned the other way.

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