No Surprises

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Love thorns all over this rose.

It was a few days after the Marauders finished the first step in their plan to prank Snape. Snape hadn't acted much differently towards James in the halls. He still scowled at James every time they crossed paths in the halls. And he still rolled his eyes anytime James did anything.

Which is why it was pretty surprising to James when he came across Snape during his free period. It was just James and Snape, no Marauders and no other students were there to monitor the two.

"Sni-Severus," James spoke up, this could be his chance to get done with step two which was to talk to Snape and convince him to realize he wasn't gonna hurt him anymore. (Kinda, he was about to pull the worst prank on the boy in a few months.)

Snape's eyes widened. "You do not have my permission to call me by my first name, Potter," Snape growled, looking past James nervously. He was probably expecting Sirius to jump out from around the corner at any second and jinx him.

"My bad," James muttered, for some reason, he felt awkward. But why would that be? James was known for his charisma and the fact that he was so confident in himself. But suddenly, half of his confidence disappears. The stern gaze of the large ebony eyes before him made him want to shrink into himself.

James ruffled a hand through his hair to give it that look that all girls seemed to love. "If you are planning on hexing me, why don't you get it over with?" Snape said, a hint of irritation in his voice as he folded his arms before his stomach.

James narrowed his eyes, "What makes you think I'm gonna hex you?" He teased with a playful grin on his face. Severus glared up at James, "Oh, I don't know. Maybe because the last eighty times I've had an encounter with you, you and your stupid little friends decided to hex me."

James blinked at the snarky response. "Right." He mumbled, ashamed. "But I guess that's why I've stopped you," James continued as Snape raised an eyebrow. "I wanted to apologize to you. For everything me and my friends have done to you. On behalf of them, we promise to never do it again."

James opened his eyes to see Snape laughing. Why the hell was he laughing? This wasn't funny. He just apologized to Snivellus for Merlin's sake. This was a big deal. He had made a promise to himself that he would never apologize to Snape because the slimy git didn't deserve his apologies.

Snape was taking this rare occurrence as a joke, maybe even for granted. "Why are you laughing?" James asked, rage rising in him at the small boy before him laughed at his words.

It took Snape a few seconds before he answered James, "You think I believe you? You and your little friends have bullied me for six years, and suddenly the 'infamous' James Potter changed his mind." Snape mocked him as he used air quotes for the word infamous.

James furrowed his eyebrows at this response, using every ounce of patience that he had left to not punch Snape right up the head and end the prank right then and there. "I am not lying!" James stated through gritted teeth.

"I'm sure," Snape said sarcastically before giving James one last sneer and continuing down the corridor. James was practically fuming by the time Snape was out of eyesight. Why did he let Snape get to him so quickly? He had only said a few words and now James was more than pissed off.

If James was gonna go through with this prank then he would have to get used to Snape's attitude. He took one last deep breath as he finally started to calm down. James turned on his heel and made his way to the courtyard where he would complete his potions homework he had been procrastinating.

Later that day while James was in his dormitory with the Marauders he had finally gotten the chance to talk to them about his encounter with Snape.

Remus rolled his eyes at the entire story, not impressed with James' 'attempts' to apologize to Snape. "Did you think he was just going to forgive you with that lazy attempt?" Remus lectured him on his ways.

"I don't know. But I didn't think he would just laugh in my face!" James replied to the tired-looking brunette before him. "Moony is right. You've got to do a better job than that!" Sirius exclaimed. "Why don't you try to go and earn Snape's heart? You know, the person you and I have hated for years!" James yelled at Sirius, now frustrated.

He knew that he could've made a much better apology. He could have also been nicer to Snape and tried and have a civil conversation with him. But that may have been too soon.

"I just don't get it," James muttered as he looked up at Remus who was sitting on his bed. "Snape thinks I'm gay. He thinks I like him. He's more than likely gay himself. So why doesn't he want me? I mean, look at me! I'm attractive, funny, nice, rich, not to mention charming. Why wouldn't anyone want me?"

Remus snickered at James' self-centered words. "Well maybe because you have to show him you're all those things," Remus suggested as he kept his eyes on the book in front of him. Sirius was sitting next to Remus while Peter was off somewhere else in the castle

"You mean that James has to show Snivellus that he's good-looking?" Sirius questioned.

"No. I mean that you have to show Snape that you are funny and nice. Right now all he sees you as a stuck-up brat who likes to hex people for fun. Plus you and Snape have zero chemistry!" Remus responded while James raised an eyebrow. "Me and Snape have chemistry!" He claimed while Remus gave James a knowing look.

"Oh really, how would that be?"

"I love to prank people. He's just my favorite person to prank." Remus groaned as he fell back on his bed, clearly in defeat by James' stupidity. "If you want chemistry with Snape, you have to learn more about him. For example, go ask Lily about him. Ask her about his favorite things, that way you will be able to start a civil conversation with him."

James smirked, "You know, that's a brilliant idea!" James quickly stood up and headed towards the door, she would most likely be in the common room, studying or something along those lines.

In a swift movement, James had closed the door behind him and made his way towards the common room. As he suspected, the beautiful emerald-eyed girl sat on the floor next to the fire, a Transfiguration book in her hands.

He slowly made his way to her and plopped on the ground next to her. "What do you want, Potter." She grumbled as she looked up from the book, her beautiful eyes looking into James' hazel eyes.

"I-uh. I wanted to ask you a few questions." He started, "If you're going to ask me out again, the answer is no!" She declared as she sat up. "No, that's not the question." He told her quickly, not noticing the small flash of hurt in her eyes.

"I wanted to ask you a few questions about Sni-Snape." Lily's eyes widened. "The time that I would betray Sev by helping you trick him would be the time that the stars fall from the sky!" She quickly hissed at him, already reaching for her Transfiguration book.

"No, that's not the reason. Me and the Marauders have decided to stop tricking him. I just wanted something nice for him. A way to apologize." He lied to her as her eyes were still narrowed in suspicion.

"And why should I believe you?" Lily asked, irritation in her voice. "Use Legilimency on me!" He replied. James knew that if someone were to use Legilimency on him about this then they would know he wasn't being exactly truthful. But what were the chances that Lily knew Legilimency?

"Fine." She gave in after a few minutes.

James' plan was sure to go smoothly now, Lily had told him lots of things about Snape. He had learned that Snape was a Half-Blood. He had thought Snape was a Pure-Blood this entire time. And he had also learned Snape's birthday. January 9th. Only two months older than James himself.

By the time their conversation was over it was around ten P.M. He should probably get back to the Marauders now. "Thanks, Evans, you've been a lot of help," James said as they both split ways into their dorms.

𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒘𝒂𝒚 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒍𝒊𝒆 (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now