V | Patri

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"What did you say?" Patri asked in disbelief. 

Faced with his superior's unsettling calm expression, Valtos felt something stuck in his throat. He unconsciously clenched his fists in an attempt to ease his nervousness. How could he ever imagine that that girl would be capable of such a thing?

"We made a mistake," he started, "I told them to fetch the magic stone from her and she disappeared."

Patri went back to whatever he was doing before he asked, "What happened?"

"After my subordinates had gotten the girl's necklace, she apparently vanished in front of their eyes. We suspect that she might have teleported somewhere."

Intrigue flashed in Patri's eyes, but his voice still remained as unperturbed as ever. Of course, if you had disappeared with the magic stone, he wouldn't be as unconcerned. He only felt a bit interested when he heard of your inexplicable disappearance. Last time they checked, you had no mana at all, your existence would make anyone of their world feel curiosity. 

However, curiosity is curiosity. Patri would never let anything else get in the way of his plans.

"No matter, her presence is not a requirement to our goals," Patri said in a lenient tone.

But Valtos did not feel at ease at all. "Licht-sama, letting her go could have some consequences. She has seen us, and she might get in our way later on."

Fortunately for them, they secretly knocked you unconscious when they were brought you to their headquarters, and based on their emergency searching, they weren't able to find you anywhere near the area which means you likely do not know its location—otherwise, Valtos would fret about that too.

A small laugh came out of Patri's lips. He seemed unamused. 

"Do you think that foreign girl can do much?"

". . . But she can pose us a threat. Even though she has no. . . mana, she seems to be highly capable." Valtos did have a point, Patri reconsidered for a moment. He had known everything Valtos pointed out, but he has this nagging feeling that made him feel reluctant to see the girl. It was not such a powerful feeling, but Patri found it unpleasant and he wants to get rid of it.

This time, he finally raised his head to look at Valtos. The other almost stepped back when Patri's golden eyes met his. Valtos didn't know if he imagined it or not, but he thought that those brilliant gaze had a murderous light for a moment.

But Patri's face held no trace of such emotion. In fact, his grin was a gentle and graceful as ever. "Don't worry, Valtos, that foreign girl would tell us where she is soon."

*   *   *

A few minutes after you have been almost stripped out of your clothes, it finally registered in your mind that you had gotten out of that place. You vanished in front of their faces. You didn't know how, but you somehow did it.

At that moment, you were so angry that you felt like you could do everything that you wanted to do. Everything happened so fast, and you ended up teleporting in a forest somewhere. But now that you're alone, all the feelings you've been hiding inside were suddenly threatening to spill out—everything all at once.

F*ck. I can't cry now.

You have been trying so positive, even distracting yourself with ridiculous musings. The truth was you were scared—terrified even—to find yourself lost in such a strange place without knowing how you would end up. Without knowing who to trust, without knowing where to run.

When faced with such an unfamiliar situation, the last thing you wanted to do was show vulnerability. But your tears just would not stop falling, no matter how much you wiped them away. Sobs escaped your lips until you could not hold it back anymore. Your tears, your whimpers, and your feelings, it came like a raging storm.

And all you have got to accompany you was the cold breeze of the night and the moonlight that illuminated through the trees. Thankfully, there was no one to witness such a sorry sight.

"Mom, dad . . ." You could not help but call out for your parents, but it made you feel lonelier. With your back arched, you had your head almost touching the ground as your tears dripped down from your eyes.

You wished, and wished, and wished, and wished to go back . . . You wished that when you open your eyes again, you would disappear in this world and go back to your own, just like what happened earlier.

But you prayed until you fell asleep, and nothing happened.

*    *    *

"Yuno-san, I think she's still alive."

The sweet voice that was pulling you out of your unconscious state was followed by a gentle touch. Who is it?

"Yeah, but it's concerning that she's not waking up."

This time, the one speaking was a man. Again, it's an unfamiliar voice. You wanted to see them. You wanted to wake up, stand up and run from these strangers.

"I think we should bring her to our headquarters since it's the nearest."

No, I don't want to go. Leave me alone.

They could not hear you. Your body would not listen to you—you could not even open your eyes, let alone struggle.

You felt yourself being lifted up, making you more frustrated. At this point you were not thinking straight, everything in your mind was foggy, and your emotions was at its heightened state. If you could move and open your eyes, your would have most likely lashed out towards these people, not even considering that they're probably saving you.

A small and serious exclamation came from the guy, "She's freezing," he said. "We need to go, Mimosa."

The girl called Mimosa, made a sound of approval before the two finally moved with an additional person. Meanwhile, on the inside, you went back and forth with your consciousness, still unable to move.

After a few minutes, you heard an alarmed voice crying out for the two that took you away. "Yuno! Mimosa! What happened?!"

Apparently, the two finally arrived at their headquarters. You were wondering if you're in some cult once again, or maybe a righteous organization found you this time. Honestly, you would like for the situation to be the latter. 

"Klaus-san!" The Mimosa girl called. "We found this girl unconscious while patrolling."

"Is she breathing?"

"Yes, but she won't wake up."

You could imagine what kind of situation was playing right now, but you were not sure since you could not open your eyes to confirm. However, by now, you could tell that they are genuinely trying to help you. The anger you have been feeling subsided a little.

"Bring her to the infirmary this instant!" Klaus ordered with urgency. 

Mimosa, Klaus, and Yuno rushed into the infirmary with utmost care for your well-being. They did not even have time to stop and greet their leader, who was walking through the corridor. Only Klaus cared to stop, but he just explained in a short manner before running off again.

In his hurried state, Klaus was not able to notice how their masked leader's focus was on the girl that Yuno was carrying. A cruel glint flashed in the originally purple eyes which turned gold for a second.

Then the masked leader heard a sneer inside his head before his other self began speaking, "Who knew that she would deliver herself before we start looking for her. Heaven really is on our side."



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