Chapter 1 - Home Late

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A/N: I'm sorry it's so short, and it's late. The chapters will be longer i promise but i just had to start it of. I hope you like it and i hopefully can upload soon :) xx



Chapter 1 - Home Late.

*Lillie's p.o.v*
My children are all growing up. Owen is now 16, Alisa is 12 and Nessie is 9. I gave up my singing career so I could be around for my kids, keeping myself busy with house work.
Aiden and I are still going strong, who knew the guy I met aged 11 would become my husband.
I wouldn't change any of it for the world.

Owen has Aiden’s blonde hair and my blue eyes, Alisa has my brown hair and my blue eyes and Nessie has Aiden’s blonde hair and his brown eyes. Every other Sunday we go over to visit my parents.
*Owen's p.o.v*
I'm stuck in this boring place for another 3 hours. Vaguely listening to what miss is going on about.
The magic of the bell ringing signalling the end of class. I grabbed my stuff and strolled out of the classroom. Finally lunch time then after lunch only two more lessons.
On my way to lunch with Axel, I noticed my younger sister was surrounded by a group of girls. By the look on Alisa's face I could tell something was wrong. I went over.
'Alisa.' I smiled at her grabbing her hand pulling her out the ring off girls.
I threw my arm over her shoulders and turned my head glaring at the group of girls.
'Thank you Owen.' Alisa whispered hugging me.
'It's alright Lis, I'll see you later.' I replied as we separated at the cafeteria doors.
*Cecilia's p.o.v*
I watched as my twin protected his little sister, pride and happiness washed over me. I always came to school with them switching throughout the day, spending time watching Owen and Alisa then moving over to Nessie's school, to watch over her. In ways I'm jealous of Alisa and Nessie because they got to do everything I never could. But in the end I just guess that I wasn't meant to be there yet, I arrived to early and wasn't needed so I got taken away.

The pain I caused my parents was awful, they drifted apart cause of my
 death, as Mum pushed everyone away including Dad. Even though I’m not there physically, I’m still on earth. I haven’t left yet and will only leave if I’m forced to.


Nessie’s giggles filled the air as Alisa chased her into the house, Owen wasn’t home yet. Dad was home early today.

‘Dad!’ Nessie squealed running into Dad’s open arms.

‘Hello baby girl, how was school?’ Dad chuckled lifting her up.

‘It was good.’ She smiled as he put her down then gave Alisa a hug.

The girls went off to go play elsewhere, Mum went over to Dad and wrapped her arms around him the same time he placed his arms around her placing a kiss on her nose.

‘How was your day?’ Mum asked looking up at dad. You could see the love and adoration she has for him in her eyes, dad reflected those emotions as his eyes scanned her face.

‘It was alright, very busy though lots has been coming in, what about yours?’ Dad replied.

‘Owen went off after school saying he’d be home later but apart from that my day’s been good.’ Mum smiled leaning up to give Dad kiss.


Owen finally arrived home at 10pm. Climbing up the tree outside the house and climbing through his bedroom window, to be greeted by dad who sat on his bed.

'Where have you been Owen?' Dad questioned sternly.

'Why does it matter, I'm home aren't I.' He shrugged laying back on his bed.

'That's not the point, I want to know where you've been for the past 7 hours!' Dad said.

'Why does it matter? I'm 16, I don't need to be monitored 24/7.' Owen argued pulling a pillow over his face.

'Fine you don't have to tell me, but you’re grounded until you can learn some responsibility.' Dad finished the conversation and left Owen's room.

Owen groaned, and then began texting for a while. As he was texting I went over to mum and dad's room, they were talking.

'I can’t believe he’s been gone for 7 hours and thinks its okay to not tell me where he's been.' Dad sighed sitting down on the bed.

'If it keeps happening then we'll have to do something about it.' Dad continued as Mum went over to him, holding his hand.

I wanted to comfort them and tell them that Owen wasn't doing anything bad but I couldn't because I didn't know.

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