Chapter 10 - Bailed

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Dedicated to Hannah Minett, I see you:) Thanks for reading and voting x

*Owen's p.o.v* 

'Go on, ring your parents.' The officer demanded handing me a phone, I took it and dialled in my house number.

I sighed as the dial tones rang through, the line went silent then a voice spoke with a familiar edge.


'Hi Dad.'

*Aiden's p.o.v* 

I slammed the phone down and rushed to find Lillie. 

She sat on the sofa in the living room with Oscar. 

Deep in conversation.

'Lillie, I need to talk to you.' I urged.

'Yeah okay, one second Aiden.' Lillie waved me off turning her attention back to her little brother.

'Oscar can take care of himself, you don't need to do it for him! Stop focusing on just him and look at the rest of your family, your son has been arrested for assault and you don't even give a crap, ever since he came over you haven't spent any time with me or the girls. Oscar is old enough to look after himself, I'm sorry man you'll always be my brother in law but right now we have problems of are own.' I snapped.

'It's alright, I understand I did just kinda dump this onto you. Lillie, I'll call you but right now be here for your husband.' Oscar said kissing his sister on the cheek before leaving the house.

'How could you do that? You just kicked my brother out of our house!' She shouted standing up of the sofa.

'Are you kidding me? I've just told you our son has been arrested and you start screaming at me about your brother? Is our son not important to you!' I argued. I couldn't believe what she had just said.

'Of course our son is important, he's a part of both of us, how could I not love him. It's just I really feel for Os, it's just like my dad, mum left him when she was pregnant with me, I didn't meet my dad till I was three.' Lillie explained.

I wrapped my arms around my Lillie's waist pulling her to me kissing her softly.

'Okay, I get it but right now. Owen needs us.' I replied.

*Owen's p.o.v* 

The door opened and my parents and a police officer came in.

'What in hells name made you beat a guy half to death!' Dad yelled.

'You've put a guy in hospital, Owen what were you thinking?' Mum demanded in a much calmer tone.

'I caught my girlfriend making out with him.' I explained.

'Why not confront her?' Dad asked.

'I did when she was begging me to stop hitting the other guy.' I mentioned.

'Why did you beat him up Owen?' Mum questioned.

'Cos I love her.' I mumbled.

'You're only 16 you can't love her.' Dad scoffed.

'Aiden! How can you say that?' Mum said in disbelief.

'I thought you were dead! I was in love with a dead girl!' Dad argued his case.

'But I wasn't dead was I as I escaped and found you two years later!' Mum exclaimed.

'Mum, Dad! Please stop arguing.' I begged.

'Come on Owen, let's go home now.' Mum said beckoning me towards her.

I went to her, she pulled me into a hug.

'I'm so sorry Mum.' I apologised as I hugged her.

We climbed in the car after filling out forms and drove home. Mum and Dad didn't say a word to one another. 

Oh god I'm going to have to face the wrath of Cecilia.

'Before you go, just so you know you're grounded until further notice and you will be doing the chores in the house and any other punishment I come up with.' Dad said firmly with no room for argument.

'And if you step out of line once there will be serious consequences.' He added.

'Okay.' I replied before I left and went into the living room.

I took my phone out of my pocket. It was full of texts and calls from Becca and the odd text from Axel.

'Owen.' Alisa came in room.

'Hey Lis, how you feeling?' I asked as she sat herself next to me.

'I'm feeling better and I just wanted to say thank you for looking out for me.' She said shyly.

'No need to thank me, it's what I'm here for.' I replied pulling her into my side.

'Owie!' Nessie grinned running into the room.

She sat on my other side, using me to lean on and for the first time in ages, the three of us watched a movie together.

Both Alisa and Nessie had fallen asleep, I lifted myself from the sofa and pulled blankets over them before going to my own room.

'Owen, I'm so sorry!' Her voice spoke as soon as I stepped into my room.

'I'm sorry, I know how much you love her.' Cecilia said.

'Woah, wait you aren't killing me! Are you ill or something?' I said confused.

'No you idiot, I'm perfectly fine. I just feel bad that she cheated on you.' Ceci explained.

'Alright no need to rub it in.' I grumbled.

'No I didn't mean it like that.' She spoke quickly.

'So what you going to do?' Ceci asked curiously.

'I have no idea.' I admitted.

'Do you love her?' She questioned.

'Yeah I do.' I smiled slightly only to frown straight after as I remembered what had happened.

'Argh why does she have to make this so hard!' I cried angrily.

'Don't stress, you'll know what to do.' She said softly.

I looked up to see her gone. I stripped to my boxers and climbed into bed. I'll sleep on it.

*Aiden's p.o.v* 

'Lillie.' I sighed.

'What Ads.' She finally answered.

'Talk to me.' I pleaded.

She spun to face me, pressing her lips against mine. 

She pulled away her hand caressing my cheek.

'I'm not mad at you Aiden.' She whispered looking at me.

'Please talk to me, don't shut me out.' I begged.

'I was thinking about what you said earlier.' She admitted hanging her arms around my neck.

'I wasn't thinking, I'm sorry.' I said kissing her forehead.

'No it's alright it made me think of the day I got home and you came over and I ran to you and kissed you, it would have been awkward if you had a girlfriend or didn't love me.' She replied.

'No I'm always had a thing for you Lillie ever since the day I pushed you in the river.' I admitted with a slight chuckle.

'My beautiful Lillie-Mae, my wife, the mother of my children, the love of my life.'

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